
Chapter 215

["Eat up gang, not long until the next wave is here"] I warn my troops.

Crinis has already eaten of course, stuffing her face with ten Crocas and an entire Titan Croc. If I get my hands on that dimensional stomach during my next evolution I swear I'll dance for a week straight.

I'm so envious!

Also, where the heck is my food!?

I'll have to settle for nibbling on some this next group coming our way. With my omni directional eyes I can see that there are crocs approaching from multiple sides. Having seen us shred the weaker ones so comfortably the smaller Croca Beasts are staying back, cowering behind their more powerful cousins. Titan-Crocs, the massive, lumbering six-legged beasts are the bulk of what is coming our way but they certainly aren't the biggest.

Mixed amongst them are clearly more highly evolved children of Garralosh. Even larger than the Titan Crocs (will I have to rename them?!), their dark green scaled bodies ripple with strength as they ponderously move on their six limbs. The larger legs and somewhat prehensile arms sport vicious claws and their long jaws still bristle with razor sharp looking teeth.

Where they different from their slightly more diminutive cousins is firstly the eyes. Just in front of their regular eyes they have an extra set which gleam red with some sort of energy. Secondly, their tails. Right at the base of their tail it splits into two, both tails seemingly shifting independently of the other.

It kind of makes me wonder what was going on in Garralosh's head when they designed these evolutions for her children. More isn't necessarily better you lousy Croc! Just slap an extra set of eyes and tail on them and call it quits?! How lazy is that?! All the effort and thought I poured into shaping the new generation of workers is being mocked by this slack effort!

Wait, no. Don't judge to quickly, Anthony. The Titan Crocs had the surprising inclusion of their fire mana gland, there's a chance that these guys will have something interesting going on besides just an increase in size and new tails.

environment. The lush greenery, dark brown earth and muddy waters feels like the perfect backdrop for these Croc monsters as they slide through the

Soon all of this land will belong

that side together. Begin with an acid bombardment, Vibrant then nib at the flanks like

I'll get 'em!" Vibrant declares cheerfully, snapping her mandibles at

as sparks begin to crackle across his

We don't know what these bigger crocs can

[Never, Master!]

what I

my Gravity mana and compressing it. I'm not going to play around with these unknown evolutions. I'll take

steady supply of the purple gravitational mana from my own internal supply. Within my body the energy pulses vibrantly and begins to flow out, responding to the direction of my thoughts. Next to the mana gland, my core glows

practice I've put into this task are bearing fruit as the spell takes shape fluidly. It's still hard, like painting a three dimensional masterpiece with only my thoughts, but my mind isn't what it used to be. Almost double my normal human Cunning means my mind is able to move in ways it simply wasn't possible to do before. More precise, more powerful, my mind slides the compressed mana

on during the last week. I tested the spell on a few monsters and was entirely disappointed with the effect. For the mana invested and the difficulty of the

double layered sphere. A small, dense ball of gravitational energy, inscribed with arcane sigils that slowly rotates within a shell made from an outer

Once it impacts the target the

… it's nasty.

whole lot of damage. Then I thought about the forceful version, what would be different with the powered

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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