
Chapter 241

The monsters came from the north. They swept south in a hungry pack, seeking, destroying and devouring everything in their path like a tide of beastly Vikings.

As the monsters drew closer their snarling and growls rang louder in the peoples ears and panic quickly raced across their faces. The fear spread so quickly from person to person around me, clouding their faces and twisting their expressions.

So quickly they lost the will to fight, these people.

I shouldn't be too surprised. These people had lost their homes and families to these creatures. Small and weak it may have been, but they had also lost their country. Against a foe that had taken apart something so much larger than themselves, it's only natural that they would be intimidated.

But I wouldn't sit idly by.

[Tiny bring Crinis to me. We need to fight.]

If those stupid monsters thought that they could get this close to my colony then they are outside their damn minds.

I loudly clack my mandibles several times in succession.


The sharp, staccato noises ring out loudly, cutting through the rising fear. The circle of people turn back to me sharply.

[Priest. Tell the people to go hide and stay out of my way. I will defend my colony but if any monsters get through, the people will need to defend themselves.]

The priest nodded enthusiastically.

[Of course, Great One! The blessings of the System belong only to those who are prepared to earn them! Your wisdom is as deep as the Dungeon, as broad the Endless Sky expanse and as …]

[Just tell them already!]

[Oh! Right!]

with the mouthy priest and turns to the people to explain what I've said. Gradually some life returns to the faces of the people around me, when I push my way out of the circle, they fall back respectfully

And good thing too!

monsters are upon

swarm rushing towards the village, I can't help but

old friends are

centipedes! Like a carpet of pinchy death they slither and climb all over

are here as well, I think I spy

rabbits are here! Awww, the little fluff

Beasts. The stupid creatures

a collection of monsters from the forest expanse area. Perhaps


thought I was finally free

as they rush towards us. Only a hundred

have time to power up a Gravity Bomb. I'm going to have to do this the old fashioned

I haven't had that much time to rest since battling against the Croca Commander but it's enough

weaving together the magic, layers flowing together

Gravity Spear! Times three!

that they could miss, slamming into the front line of the wave, snaring large clutches

take shape. I pour forth my gravity mana and empower the

it me who crashes into

continue spinning more spears as I smash into the thick of the monsters and their blows begin to rain down on my carapace, battering me left and

going to sit here

Shattering Bite!

shell but I stand firm, the bulk of the damage failing to pierce through. Centipedes rise to clutch at me and I crush them with

bite, I crush its defences, my stamina draining away along

chip damage begins to pile up. A chip here and a chip here shave away at my health until I'm forced to trigger

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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