
Chapter 242

"RAAA!" Morrelia bellowed and her muscles bunched and shifted beneath her skin before she stabbed her hand out once more.

To describe it as a stab wouldn't be doing it justice. The strength, the control, the sheer force of that strike went beyond what I had imagined was possible. As if she were cutting apart the very air, the sword pierced the atmosphere. As it did so, pure light coalesced around her arm and hand, flowing onto the sword itself, rapidly building in intensity until it was blinding.

The light reached a critical mass just as the sword extended, forming a point at the tip of the blade that shone like a miniature sun. Then, in just an instant, the beam lanced out, piercing monsters straight through, seemingly without resistance. Just as suddenly as it had come, the light faded and a line of twenty monsters slumped to the ground.

What the heck is that skill?! How the heck does she do that?!

As the monsters swirl and growl around me I see Morrelia's crew arrive to back her up, firing arrows into the crowd with incredible speed, their hands a blur. It looks as though they took a little time to gather their supplies and uncase their bows but they are in the think of it now.

On impulse I decide to rush back to where the five of them have gathered, tearing my way through a dense cluster of centipedes to do so.


An arrow smacks into my carapace as I dash forwards, reflecting cleanly off one of the diamond portions of my carapace and ricocheting off into the swirl of beasts harmlessly.


Slowing my approach, I wave my antennae frantically to signal my peaceful intentions. I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt on the first shot but any more than that and we are going to have trouble here. Thankfully, the archer's eyes widen as she recognises me and turns to shoot a fresh target.

I mean, an apology would have been appreciated but, I suppose under the circumstances…

You're fighting a giant horde of monsters and a massive ant, I suppose I'm basically the size of a couch, if not quite as high, comes charging at you, you're going to shooting the heck out of that ant. It's fair enough.

As I reach their side and unleash a few more gravity spears into the horde, binding monsters, slowing and restricting them, Morrelia turns to me and nods briefly before unleashing another solid beam of light into the throng.

laser cannon with

as hell, I have to

an order to one of her crew, a grizzled looking guy with a face full of scars. He nods and steps

he bellows before sprinting towards the onrushing horde

of a phantom axe, splitting the monsters apart and giving the group breathing room, allowing the two female archers to continue to

bind the monsters together, occasionally firing at a patch of ground to bind the monsters to the earth, creating

"Haaaaaaa, Haaaaaa."

between her teeth as they slowly clench and her breathing becomes heavier. Before I even have time to

grows more dense and her body




the two archers shout out a warning

and they are frickin' glowing with a murderous red light. Snarling like a beast she tears a second sword out of a

all the while. All technique and finesse seems to have left her she rips her blades through the air, cleaving foes up to ten feet away with wild

being pure white, as every other time I've ever seen a skill activated, even her own, the light that flows from her swords is bright red. The monsters almost

through, the occasional monster making it to her and raking its

She doesn't care.

even seem

red light continues to tear apart monsters with

This is freakin' hot to


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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