
Chapter 243

Nineteen of the Ancients rose during the Cataclysm, The Rending. They were nurtured in the heart of this world, the oldest beings of the Dungeon, they were old long before the Dungeon broke the surface. In darkness they had battled whilst the people of the surface were taking the first steps on the path to civilisation.

Their power was overwhelming. None could stand before them, when they moved, cities fell, nations crumbled and people died. Like immutable law they were heedless of the plight of mortals, more akin to the forces of nature than creatures.

We record their sacred names here, that future generations might fear and venerate them as they deserve.

Yarrum the Eternal Worm.

Theorazzn of the Decaying World.

Syssernix the Dark Spear.

Morribolg of the Fetid Earth.

Carriflare the Hell Flame.

Rigorite the Mountain Breaker.

Tarriflyx the Hunger.

Arconidem the Demon God.

Zothoth who Feasts on Sanity.

Torra the Dread Dog.

Gon the Sightless Freak.

Yolesh the Ever Dying.

Lerrewyn the Grasping Tree.

Horgran the Butcher.

Perrianon of Blood.

Kygar the Storm Bringer.

Ruminominex Shaper of Earth.


the Father of

Gods of Rending' in the imperial Library of


see that Crinis is having a field day. I've been steadily making my way towards the area my two pets are active, trying together knots of monsters and hitting the occasional heavy hitter with a pair of gravity bolts, effectively locking them

I finally get a view of Crinis, she is merrily carving away at the monsters around her, rending them, twisting them apart, throwing them into her unending maw of eldritch terror and in general threshing the wheat that these monsters are to her. Only when something larger and more powerful

feet thundering into


was totally aware of the creature through her tremor sense. Something that large and heavy had to be lighting it up like a firework. Before it can grasp her, ten tentacles explode out of her main body


feet. Despite hitting the ground so hard, the monster is largely unharmed. Snarling, the beast

strong enough to win a contest of strength against something as physically imposing as a Lion

blades but back and forth at incredible speeds and by the looks of things, the

Crinis unfolds her main body, exposing the black, empty void ringed by distended fangs that is her mouth, and clamps it down on her foes shoulder, tearing into it

made even more horrific by the fact that she's still got tentacles out harvesting monsters around her, even as she takes on this big fish. I think her fear skill is kicking into effect actually, several creatures nearby are looking decidedly intimidated, hesitating as the bloodlust that filled them only moments before is drained away by the sight of

do you, Crinis. You're alright

I angle my body just right she falls into

starting to ache from repeatedly using my biting skills. I've had the mana flowing into my mandibles

start to cut my way out

to reason through the situation, so rather than try and move together, they just run about, smacking

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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