
Chapter 256

The next day I dedicated myself to digging out the channels for the village to use for irrigation. With Tiny helping we shifted a heck of a lot of dirt, very quickly indeed. As a side project we used the extra dirt to erect a nice and high bank for the channel network, as well as building up the height of the river bank. It never hurts to have a few extra layers of protection in case of flooding!

The villagers were only too happy to pitch in and their own tireless efforts spurred me on to work even faster. It was interesting to see the farms taking shape so quickly. Teams of humans have been churning out simple wooden fencing whilst other groups have been marking lines in the dirt and digging holes for fence posts. The planting is already happening on the land that we've cleared. People have been collecting seed and apparently some farmers had time to bring some with them on carts, all they were waiting for was a clearly delineated space and for someone to plough the new fields. Yet another task that was currently being seen to by dedicated groups of humans. Seeing the cooperative and coordinated groups in action put in mind of nothing but ants at work.

It made me curious enough to go and find Enid to ask where this industrious spirit of cooperation came from.

[It's partly that people need something to focus on in order to take their minds of the tragedy. After losing homes, family, their nation, these people are desperate for something they can work towards] she explained.

[And the rest?]

[Beyn] she said simply.

[He preaches day and night about the benefits of cooperative work, that we should be more like the colony of saviours that have created this sanctuary and that by acting selflessly and working together, the people can give thanks and praise to the Great Ant.]

[Are you serious?]


are going to be more antlike in their behaviour, it should only work in their

weathered skin look even more lined and thin than usual. The woman is skinny as a wooden rake chewed by termites as it is, her current position as the

you for a day, surely. Go lie down or something. The village won't be better off if you keel over

woman looks at me strangely for a

hard? Look at these people! I've never seen people working so much or so quickly in all my days. No. Just because I'm old doesn't mean I can't keep up the pace. If anything, these

formed from the skulls of stubbornness record holders. She gives of an indestructible air and at times

you? If a strong breeze comes your

out to

for your concern. I'll make sure I eat


[Sorry? What's that?]

with an antenna,

across Enid's face and she reaches out to pat me again, more confidently

Anthony. Did you call yourself that because it has

this. I've never actually

she does is

why I told Enid my name, but it felt right to do so. Perhaps she'll eventually put two and two together and realise that an Ant monster really shouldn't have a name, or even need one. The leap from that fact to my actual origins is quite a large one though, not that I think it will make a difference to anything even if she does realise

passing day in this new world I can feel my connection to the old me falling away. I like my new family. I

could live without, also the distinct lack of pizza.

whatever that means. Perhaps they adapted well to life on this world and found their own little niche here. He did say

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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