
Chapter 257

Still, it isn't as though my efforts have gone completely to waste. Rushing into the thick of the battle and chomping away certainly got me fairly battered, but the harvest of skill levels is still worth it. It's a bit unfortunate that these enemies are so unevolved but I suppose a large mass of monsters like this would be far too much for the colony and village to handle had they been more advanced.

Nevertheless I was able to gain another three levels in Shredding Bite and two levels in Advanced Stamina. That skill is really starting to have an effect at this point. The skill doesn't give increased stamina in and of itself, that's not how skills work. What it does do is provide knowledge and assistance in moving the body in such a way as to reduce the effects of fatigue, effectively making the stamina you have available last longer. Pretty darn handy thing to have in these battles.

I was also able to harvest another two levels in Expert Exo-Skeleton defence. Allowing hundreds of weaker monsters the chance to hit my incredibly shiny carapace is at least helping me boost this key defensive skill. I'll be a happy ant when I can get it to the fourth rank.

I spent a fair bit of time firing acid about the place in this battle, which was enough to gain three levels in Improved acid shot and another two in Precise shooting which allowed me to increase it to Advanced Precise Shooting level 1.

It really does seem that by focusing and concentrating on the skills they advance at a much faster pace than just doing it passively. Another piece of advice I should probably feel grateful to Beyn for. I just don't feel comfortable around that guy…

In the wash up of the battle I was able to secure some of the … 'salvage' for the villagers to use, but the majority of it went to the colony, more food for the Queen to put toward another clutch of eggs I suppose. There's already four hundred of the things sitting in the colony. The first clutch of two hundred are due to hatch any day now and the needs of the colony are going to grow at a darn fast clip from there! Raising up two hundred larvae will be a big job, the colony will have to start hunting in the Dungeon a bit more actively from that point on.

Fingers crossed I can get the first twenty up and firing fast enough that they can help provide for the rest. I'm sure as heck not doing it all myself!

The other thing to occur in the wash up of the battle was that Morrelia and Enid approached me about the possibility of some defences for the village. The colony doesn't really need walls to protect us, if the enemies want to try and invade us and battle within the tunnels of the nest then they are welcome to, they'll get themselves absolutely ripped to shreds. I can however, see the value for the village. They lost people in this battle again. Not many, but still. After all of the loss that they've seen, losing anyone at this point really hurts.

of Tiny's and my time, I think we can swing

could, another twenty points worth, before dragging

arc that starts close to the river and curves around the north side of the village, roughly two hundred metres from

me. All I do, with Tiny's muscular assistance of

work, levelling out the trench on the north side and piling the dirt on the south side. I'm sure they'll use some logs or something to reinforce

gain another two levels in Expert Excavation, and despite the

Time to sleep!

ourselves back to the colony and collapse into

sweet release of

Aaaaaand I'm up!


Since it won't be long until

back and we do a final sweep of the farms. I let Crinis take the bulk of the XP and we allow the workers to come in and claim the Biomass. The Queen is still

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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