
Chapter 268

[We need more of this. As soon as you can get it.]

[Uh, okay? Maybe take it out of my face a little so I can see it?]

An unusually forceful and intent Enid is waving something in my face with shaking hands. As soon as I waddled my way into the village someone had gone to fetch her and the normally dignified older lady had arrived at a dead run, her skirts hiked up with one hand and the other clutching this, object.

As she withdraws the object slightly I can see that it is, as suspected, the mana infused wood that I delivered to Beyn a day or so ago.

[Ah. Finally got your hands on that did you? So what is it?] I enquire.

[It's mana infused wood.]

[I can see that plain as day! What is it good for?!]

Enid huffed with her hands on her hips.

[Well that's a different question, isn't it?] she held the branch tenderly in her hands, like a newborn babe, [this wood has absorbed the plentiful mana of the Dungeon and taken on the attributes that surrounded it.]


as much as cores. Nations fight over the rights to expanses and other regions that produce this kind of thing fiercely. They are rare and incredibly useful! Not to mention

I'm losing my

[When making items designed to channel certain types of mana, materials like this will amplify the effect. For example, if a staff where made for a water wizard with materials that

[Ooo, that is handy.]

only that. You could make shields, swords, armour, or artefacts that would add that element to their

in it] I pointed

the stick with vigour in my face, [is the most important thing! Double affinity! Double the offensive boost, double the defensive! This kind of material is extremely rare!

with it? I doubt there are any master enchanters hanging


their new smarts, who knows what they'll capable of in a few years? In my mind scenes of the great ant forges begin to appear, the cavernous halls under the earth where thousands of teeming


within my

Anthony. Play it cool. The inevitable ant future will arrive in

was looking at me strangely. Dammit Anthony,

we do have a few tradespeople, apprentices and, more importantly, we have Beyn to help guide us to unlocking the

for someone to train up those skills? Just how much time do you think we have

She shook her head.

as you think. By accelerating level growth in the Dungeon and with expert knowledge to crack

this is why you want me to bring more up. The question I have for you is, what's in it for the colony? The expanse is ours and we are the only ones able to go down

also able to extract a promise from a curious Enid to engage in a knowledge sharing

of agony rippled through my body with each step, I made my way back to my chamber. The journey only took four times as long as normal. I feel as if I'm prematurely

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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