
Chapter 269

"Stop your slacking, aren't you ready to work for the colony?!"

"Ugh. Of course, Senior!"

The hatchlings are once again suffering from the effects of being stuffed full of cores and then absorbing a special core. Packing all of them full has depleted my stash to basically nothing but it'll be worth it. These twenty are getting the best start in life an ant could possibly hope for.

Each and every one of them has taken the 'superior hatchling' evolution that Vibrant had. Their stats have been boosted only a little from their original hatchling form, the only significant difference is in Cunning, since a small boost in that stat represents a substantial shift, but over their next few evolutions the payoff will be huge.

Regardless of what type of ant these first twenty choose to be, Soldier, Queen or Worker, I want them to be exemplary examples that will be able to lead those who follow in their footsteps. I'm on the clock though, I need to get these twenty up to level 10 and evolved before the next set of two hundred hatchlings emerges. When last I checked in on the brood they were quite chubby little grubs. It won't be long before they enter the pupal phase. Gotta move fast!

Or at least, I would, but I'm still suffering from my own core being oversized. Gawd I hate this feeling.

Crinis is leading the way down at the moment, with Tiny bringing up the rear. This is a good chance for the two of them to grind some skill points and I don't want to waste it. Normally I'd want to be grinding those skills myself but the discomfort I'm experiencing has dampened my enthusiasm somewhat.

As we descend through the tunnels Crinis reaches out with a forest of dark tentacles, grasping hold of monsters before they even know she's coming. Once held within her grasp there is little they can do to save themselves. More tentacles lash out and the victim is quickly rendered unable to fight before being deposited behind her. One of the ants steps forward to deliver the finishing strike before the rest approach to devour the Biomass.

We are advancing in record time to be honest. This system is nothing except efficient. The workers are still levelling at a decent pace and their enhanced stomachs are working just as well as I'd hoped they would. Not only has their capacity increased, but apparently the mutation menu for the organ has an option that will allow them to consume Biomass as if they were one tier of evolution lower, reducing the penalty!

I MUST get my hands on this organ during my next evolution! Things will be made so much simpler! In fact, this organ and mutation should be mandatory for all workers in the colony! The efficiency gains when spread across thousands of workers will be staggering!

Arrrghh! That stings! Damn core…

What this means for my class of hatchlings is that they are rapidly piling up Biomass as we advance further into the Dungeon, seeking higher level creatures to feed them the experience they need to reach level ten as soon as possible.

[How's it going Crinis? Do you need to rest? I can have Tiny swap in for you any time?]

[That is unnecessary, Master. I am more than sufficient to dispose of this filth. Please allow me to continue]

[Sure, sure. As long as you're okay.]

from Crinis as twists and crunches these monsters into a helpless state. You are


hour of this I call a halt

program so far, your hatchlings. But the time for you to earn your own supper

mean, Senior?" they query me, antennae

for the twenty of you to engage in glorious combat for

done my broken body will decorate the trash pile of the

stand at the back and think about what

Each and every one of you is to make it back to the colony in one piece. We have invested heavily in you because your future contributions

fix them all with a sharp glare, especially that

see if you can

roar with their squeaky hatchling

comes back alive! Don't forget!" I ram home the

with them of course, ready to step in just in case

a flick of an antennae I gesture for the much smaller hatchlings move to the front and take the lead. Once again, they seem strangely deferential as they pass Crinis, greeting

guard our back zone. I don't want

[Hrrrr, bored.]

[Don't care buddy.]

[What about me, Master?]

me Crinis, hop

of infinite despair is once again revealed. She takes her customary position on my back

I can hear

don't really need to talk quietly guys, you don't actually make any sound"

the assumption that it's possible other species capable of pheromonal communication could exist, therefore care should be taken

"That's…." actually pretty smart.


has the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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