
Chapter 298

We gained on our quarry with every passing second but they weren't aware of us in the slightest. I could see them clearly now, twenty to thirty Croca-Beasts at various stages of evolution surrounded by a similar number of other, first strata Dungeon monsters. In the centre of the pack, a large hulking form ran surrounded by their more diminutive cousins.

From one hundred metre away, I could it was another Garralosh Commander. One of momma Garralosh eldest children. That loathsome over and under jaw, those massive, bulked shoulders and the writhing triple tails. Seeing one of them again brings back nightmares. Tiny, Crinis and I all suffered at the hands of the first one of these we brought down, I'd rather not get my back zone chomped off this time if I can help it.

[Let me lead off] I tell Morrelia, [I can clear off a lot of the chaff with one surprise attack.]

Focused on the enemy ahead, she only glanced at me once, raising a single eyebrow to express her doubt before nodding.

What a ridiculous lack of faith! She won't question me again after she behold the sheer destructive potential of gravity! It's time to unleash the bomb!

I take a moment to congratulate myself for not drawing on the raw mana of my core, but instead remembering to utilise the gravitational mana within my Gravity Mana gland. The gland will increase the drain on my core as it seeks to replenish the mana it's lost, sure, but it's still a lot more manageable than pulling mana straight out of my core and blasting it everywhere.

I made sure I preserved some attention to ensure I don't run into a fence before I tasked my sub-brains with drawing out the mana, whilst I devoted my main mind to compressing it down. Working in tandem, the two sub-brains took hold of the deep well of gravitational mana within me and poured I it out for my main mind to grasp and compress.

Then compress it again. Then compress is some more.

Although my stats haven't changed since my last evolution, my ability to work with and to handle mana certainly has. My ability to compress mana has improved due to levelling the Forceful mana skill to level 9, my ability to focus has and endure mental strain has increased thanks to the oh so handy cerebral endurance skill line and my control has jumped by leaps and bounds due to my earnest levelling of the meditation skill.

Compared to when I first started, grasping and moulding my mana are tasks I can complete with relative ease! I mean, it's still hard as hell. Once compressed the mana roils and fights against my control as much as if ever has. My will is wielded like an iron vice, the mana is pressed and held, unable to escape and with no choice but to submit to me.

At least, sort of.

grasp. Compressed, squashed and compacted, the mana changed, became deeper, darker and more potent. If I slipped at this stage then the results would

of spell, but there is also high

wrestled internally with my spell, we continued to pursue our enemies, running behind them at break neck speed. Advanced Stamina has levelled twice since we left the nest. When I considered all the freaking running I've done, that doesn't seem like

are a bit larger than their limbs seem to fit and their impressive bulk must make it tough to run this far. The same goes for Tiny and he's approaching the end of his rope, so they must be also. These big monsters are

it means that we've caught up

haven't noticed our approach, so intent are they on running towards the capital. At least, Morrelia assured me they are headed to the capital. Or at least, what's left of

much longer?] Morrelia demanded

manipulating the controlling forces of the universe over here. If I slip in my

are you


are a distraction I

Calm. Calm.

Not so calm.

now familiar, near black gravitation energy of the Gravity Bomb. In my mind the spell appeared as a rotating sphere,

at my gravitational mana as all of my minds struggled to direct and contain it. Without the razor sharp clarity afforded by my meditation skill I wouldn't dare to push this far, in all previous attempts at casting this spell I would have released it at this point, or just held

More mana. Still, more.

the spell which only

+15, consolidating my capacity upgrades to grant yet more capacity. I've pulled a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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