
Chapter 299

What exactly has my mana become? What is it that I have unleashed?! The Gravity Bomb that I unleashed is smaller than my previous efforts but is far more menacing. Reality itself seemed to groan under the weight of this, thing that I had made, this small rotating orb that drained the light from its surrounds as it moved through the air.

Even the monsters who were the unfortunate targets of my orb of death seemed to sense something wrong was headed their way. Fear, terror, even, overwhelmed the poor beasts. As my spell descended, a dark avatar of air rending death, they scrambled to escape its path, climbed over each other, clawed and tore at those who got in their way.

And all the while the dreadful shriek emanated from the Gravity Bomb as it pulled the atmosphere, as if a whole had been punctured in the sky and the world rushed to fill it.

What the heck is going to happen when it hits?

Come to think of it…

[Tiny, Crinis, brace for impact! And maybe back up a bit.]

I heeded my own advice and scrabbled back a few steps before the spell finally impacted. The monster who was my primary target, looming large over its smaller followers, thought fast, snatching up a smaller Garralosh Infant in two of its four claws and in a horrific feat of strength hurled it through the air to take the brunt of the spell.

I didn't hear if the Croca beast made a noise before it was consumed, so deafening was the wind that whipped around us, stirred the grass and sent the trees to creaking. The moment the spell impacted against the unlucky croc, it expanded, swallowing it whole. In a flash the Gravity Bomb had manifested its full glory, a near black, revolving sphere that dragged its victims within to crush them into a particularly spicy meat ball.

There were a few changes this time. Deep in the mediation skill I observed the destruction impassively. The energy of the Gravity Bomb was greater than any I had cast before. Flickers of black lightning emanated from it, almost invisible as they appeared and vanished so quickly is was hard to say if they had existed at all.

What I can see, can feel, is the horrific pull of the spell as it attempts to consume all within its reach. The grass swayed towards the sphere as the wind rushed to fill it. I resisted its force, hunkered low and digging my claws into the dirt with all of my strength.

Belatedly, I reach out to Morrelia. [Hold on! You don't want to fall into that!]

[You think?!] she roared back, looking rattled.


monsters haven't fared well. The spell was set off before it landed in their midst but it was close enough that most cannot resist its dreadful pull. They struggled with all of

grasp. If they did, it was snatched out of their jaws by the howling wind. Once within the


felt much longer, the revolving sphere lasted only a minute before it flickered out of existence, leaving a core of crushed

powerful physique, the Commander-Croca is still standing, but it's detachment of followers has been reduced to a few Titan-Crocs and a mature Dragon-Wolf

Bombs are becoming

getting closer to getting myself consumed by the

with another one of those?] Morrelia queried as she readied her

to charge it up and friendly fire is a real issue. Once

expression seized her face, [time to take the fight to

Morrelia, she seemed to hate the Croca-Beasts

things. It wasn't great. We all nearly died and my backside was reduced to clear. Let's be a little more careful this time. Tiny, I want you to hit and run, you gotta stick and move. You stay too close to him you're

I won't fail you!] Crinis

Tiny grunted, his eyes alight

not listening


not to die] I tell Morrelia, but she isn't listening either. I can see from her expression that she has begun to work herself into the rage she needs to unleash the benefits of her class. Possessed by her anger and bloodlust she walked towards the towering Croc-commander, blades gripped in her

Here we go…

themselves and begun to approach us. The Croc-Commander's steps thundered

gravitational mana independently as they each weaved a gravity bolt. Sunk deep into my mediation they constructed the spells at a rapid pace as I lowered by body, arched my abdomen high to present my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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