
Chapter 310

Since leaving Midum, Isaac and his fellow survivors had made good time. Isaac found it was easy to motivate folks when they were escaping a literal horde of savage monsters that had killed almost everyone they knew. Glad to have survived, worried that it wouldn’t last, the townsfolk and former guardsmen and women had packed their stuff with alacrity and hustled their way south, following the directions that Morrelia had given them.

Thinking of Morrelia brought a smile to Isaac’s face and pang to his heart. He was deep in it, he could see that as sure as he could see the nose on his own face. He’d never been taken with someone on first sight like this in his entire life. Everything about her just seemed to punch him right in his most tender preferences. Strong, no nonsense, capable, decisive and built with a body that looked as if she could pick him and rip him in half with her bare hands.

Not to mention her raging temperament which had made him feel as if that might actually happen at any moment. Talking to her had felt like the best and most dangerous thing Isaac had done in his entire life.

Shaking his head to dismiss the lingering thoughts of the goddess who had captivated him so and tried to focus his mind on the literal mountain of an issue before him.

"It’s a pile ’o somethin’ alright" he muttered to himself, "just not sure if it’s the plops yet."

"You say somethin’ Isaac?" Anna, his fellow former Midum town guard queried from his left.

"Nothin’ worth hearing" he nodded toward the massive hill of dirt that rose before them, "what you make of it, Anna?" he asked.

The dour guard shook her head. "It’s well over my pay grade Isaac. I never seen anything like it."

’Aint that the truth, Isaac thought to himself as he tried to take it all in. He’d been warned before he’d left Midum, spoken to again, at length, when they’d arrived at the village, but he still wasn’t prepared for the reality of it. A whole colony of monsters, living right next to a human village.

And apparently everything was... fine?

the enormous mound of dirt at a feverish pace, carrying dirt out of the tunnels, shifting its position on the hill or using

so quiet" Isaac observed to Anna

eerie" she agreed after listening for

way, they just moved around each other in perfect synch. The effort and energy they expended put

it didn’t have all the trimmings of a cast, the fancy

of monstrous insects managed to engineer something like this was beyond Isaac. Sure, a moat was nothing but a trench filled with water, sure a wall wasn’t anything but a heap of dirt piled up, but it was the little things. The dirt wall had been properly braced against thick wooden posts, presenting a formidable obstacle to any who wanted to assault the hill. The moat would normally cause all sorts of problem regarding drainage but it seems that the ants had

moat was even fed from their own

turned on his heel and walked back toward the village, Anna

"You’re finished looking Isaac?"


do you

"I haven’t the slightest."

"it’s unnerving for them to settle

surprising, considering they were just chased

had to admit, the locals were a very ... passionate group of advocates. The priest in particular was relentless in his efforts

been welcoming, helpful, cheerful and tireless is his efforts to comfort the people of Midum,

Beyn called as he cheerfully waved his remaining

"I wouldn’t say payin’ homage, as such your worship.

I can’t believe how fast they are learning, how fast they

hurriedly cut him off. He’d already been subjected to one of father Beyn’s spontaneous sermons and he wasn’t keen to repeat the experience. Only the timely intervention of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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