
Chapter 311

Here now at the end of the world, what do we have to say to those that we destroyed? I'm sure it's not something that would cross the mind of most on my side of the divide. Would we even say anything, if given the chance? I don't believe so.

We saw this path as inevitable. The moment the truth was learned, our feet were marching on this road. Others would not, could not accept this reality. It is no fault of theirs. They are not built as we are. Perhaps they cursed us, wailed against us in their palaces and war councils. It matters not.

We did what had to be done.

- Author unknown

We settled back into the mini-Dungeon chamber we had excavated to allow us monsters a chance to regain our mana and rest. Morrelia kept an eye out from up top. She barely seemed to need to sleep, catching a few hours here and there seemed to be enough to sustain her almost superhuman levels of effort over an extended period of time. It's been a sharp reminder to me that in this world a person is not limited as they were back on earth. Acts of physical or mental prowess that would be impossible to a human on earth can be made trivial here with levels and training.

So who am I to say that being able to run and fight against horrific beasts for an entire day, sleep for three hours and then do it all again the next is remarkable in this world? Obviously not every person can do that, according to Beyn, most people level twenty to forty times across their entire lives. That isn't enough to amount to much for most classes, the stat growth is simply too low. For the elites though, the privileged who are able to, via wealth or ability, farm the Dungeon and raise their levels fast, who knows what kind of incredible feats they are capable of.

Liria was apparently a young, backwater kingdom, founded by pioneering farmers who wanted to open up more land for agriculture. The real powerhouses are further north and east across the lake, so I'm told. I don't think that'll matter much to us though, being a small colony in the middle of the wilds, neighbouring a tiny village, we shouldn't be of any consequence to anyone for a long time.

[Are we ready to head to Liria?] I asked Morrelia as she kept an eye out above us.

anywhere else in this area where I might

think there may be quite a few more hidden away in remote places, perhaps even in the towns if people were smart enough to

to the village. I hope Enid has it all under control down there, finding beds and meals

as their scout and determine the nature of the threat on the surface and that is what I'm going

and skill levels have been nice. My constant practice of external mana manipulation has continued to yield results, taking Greater External Mana Manipulation to level 3. Enhanced mind magic affinity levelled once, Advanced Cerebral Endurance went to level ten and I ranked it up to Expert

when we get a chance. I've gotten my supply back to thirty five, which isn't much but every little bit helps! My incomplete mutations and my impending evolution are weighing on my mind more heavily with every passing day. Something inside is saying that this evolution is going

to be careful as we approach the city] Morrelia brought me back to our conversation, [I'm still not sure how it's possible for Garralosh to be

as I thought?] I

it wasn't directed at me. I

tell you, it might even help keep us alive. The truth is that Garralosh has been prevented from descending to the lower layers in order to starve her out. My father, and the Legion, didn't want to allow Garralosh to grow. I'm not sure exactly why they singled out the beast

to be fine and dandy, better than ever in fact, she's doing the

decades ago and was supposed to have scurried off to slowly die from a lack of mana. Something about this situation is

second, your Dad


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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