
Chapter 312

After we left our little slice of Dungeon, cores fully charged and feeling fresh, we began to make our way toward the capital in earnest. We'd done a few sweeps out this way before but had resisted the urge to push too close to the city in the event we attracted the wrong type of attention whilst there were still people that could be saved and roving bands of monsters that could be cleaned up toward the south.

Those things have been cleared up now and there is nothing to stop us making our approach. Moving cautiously, we kept low, avoiding the main roads as Morrelia directed us west into the large forest south of the city. Moving back under those leafy branches was nostalgic to me, on the north side of this forest is where the colony set up our first nest on the surface. Not far from the village where I bit off Beyns arm. Ah, memories.

I wonder the Branchies are still around?

Morrelia takes care that we stay hidden and out of sight as we continue to progress to the north, displaying a level of woodcraft that I hadn't expected to see in such a bloodthirsty warrior. When I, perhaps unwisely, commented on it, she snorted out a laugh of derision before replying.

[You think roaming the wilds is as simple as killing everything you find? If you don't know when and how to hide yourself, a hunter will wind up dead and eaten before they can blink.]

[That's a little surprising to me] I replied honestly, [I haven't seen anything on the surface that could hope to put a scratch on you or me. Is there really a need for that kind of caution?]

Morrelia continued to move and scout as we spoke, her eyes shifting without pause and her feet placed carefully as we moved.

are still creatures on the surface that are powerful. Why else do you think the entire surface is yet to be reclaimed?

then you can surely spend some of that

aren't grasping here, is whether or not that land

need land, right?

laughed, a harsh barking sound that suited her warriors demeanour far

farm, grow families, fell lumber, mine. The wealth and prosperity of the common people is built on land, certainly. What about the elites? What about the rulers of those mighty

ire rising in Morrelia as she spoke and decided I should keep my mouth shut until she was finished.

they are willing to fight for. The greatest empires of the surface

time hunting in the south? You wanted to use your

just for a brief moment but I caught

on the border. My crew and I would take commissions to hunt from the monarchy, bounties basically, it wasn't much but

like what she was doing know in the village, training people and escorting them into the Dungeon to allow them to build up the strength to defend themselves, it would have been a more effective way to protect the people on the border. You know the old saying: Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will kill monsters

Or something.

Morrelia and she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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