
Chapter 319

By the time we came within reach of the colony's scent trails I'd managed to level external mana manipulation twice, and we were completely exhausted. Tiny was stumbling with every step, the poor guy was the heaviest of all of us by quite the margin and the hard running had worn him down. Stamina had levelled again for me at least, but only the once, proving just what kind of ridiculous effort was required to get that skill to level up.

Crinis had declined to evolve on the journey itself, preferring to use the time riding on my back to contemplate her skills, Biomass spend and the direction she wanted to take in her all-important evolution. When I could spare it, I turned my own thoughts to the possible upcoming evolution. I had no idea how the colony would be able to bring down a monster like Garralosh but if I was to do my bit, then I needed to be as strong as possible. Getting six levels in a short amount of time would be difficult without any higher tier monsters to chomp on but it wasn't impossible.

The first scent trail I came upon tingled against my antennae as the pheromones registered on my sense of smell.

"Biomass source in this direction has been exhausted. >:)"

More scent-mojis!

Looks like the colony has been raiding towards the north in search of surface monsters to fuel the colony's growth. They must have been successful if they managed to wipe them out. Hopefully the workforce was ready to begin to hunt in the Dungeon, if they hadn't already. Vibrant had been taking her personal posse of workers down there for a while now, but the full time raids needed to start en masse. We didn't have much time and the colony needs to grow as much as possible.

Morrelia and I discussed briefly how much time it would take for Garralosh to arrive at the village and she gave us a week. Maybe a little more. It was a heap of time, and precious little at the same time.

We slowed a pace a little, this close to the finish line. The scent trails became thicker and more frequent the closer we got until we started to run into small patrols of workers.

"Hello Eldest!" they greeted me, "work hard!"

I'm always working hard dammit!

"How are things with the colony?" I called to them as we passed by.

"Busy!" one of them called back.

Wise guy.

of ants! Of course things

have noticed something about the interaction because she reached out to me over the

you talk to

say to each other, so I don't really see the risk in it… Perhaps I've just grown to trust Morrelia a

pretty basic at first but has grown more complex lately. We can talk pretty much as

if you include the development of

they say?] she

things are with the colony and she told

at me for a moment before throwing

of ants!] she chortled, [of course


The workers

the name of

It's HUGE.

High as a hill and just as wide, with a strong palisade around the outside formed of wooden

hill, with ants poking in and out constantly as they went about their various tasks. Burlier looking soldier ants patrolled the hill here and there, antennae twitching this direction and that as they

All this dirt must have come from somewhere, which means the excavation below ground should be spectacular. It appears that scout wasn't joking when she said things

comfortable and get some rest. You

flopped to the ground the moment I'd finished speaking, exhausted to the bone. I wasn't even five metres away


have serious business to take care of before I'd get the chance. I felt that there would be precious little time to rest over the next

riding on my back. The footing would seem treacherous and

up, up and up we went, climbing the side of the hill to reach the main entrance at the top. Scent trails were thick on the ground here, scouting paths, hunting paths, even resource collection paths

I pushed my way to the top so that I could enter through the main opening. I wanted to get the broadest sense

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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