
Chapter 320




The moment I entered the Queen’s chamber, a powerful antennae came flying at my head. This time though, I was prepared, I’d thought ahead, inspired by Morrelia’s thoughtfulness I had anticipated how my reception would begin.

Thus it was that I stood upside at the entrance, clinging to the roof with one of my mother’s antennae clasped between my own. Sword catching is for fools, antennae catching is a whole new level.

"Hold on a second, mother! It isn’t like you to be hasty!" I appealed.

The Queen’s eyes lay on me like a weight, peaceful, serene, but heavy.

"I see you have brought a gift for me child" she replied evenly.

I tried to shrug my antennae whilst still gripping hers and largely failed. I wouldn’t weaken my hold just yet, in case she felt I was being particularly foolish.

"Oh this old thing?" I deflected, "there are so many of them up on the surface that I’m starting to think they don’t hold any value at all. Why, I almost feel bad giving you something of such low rarity."

"In that case" mother answered, amusement rippling through her voice, "perhaps it would be best if you kept it for yourself."

Dang it! Operation downplay the core was a failure.

"Is this the kind of welcome you give to your child who was away from home, slaving away as a scout in dangerous territories for the colony?" I try a different tack and divert the conversation.

I may have struck a chord with mother on that one, since she retracts her antennae from my grip before she responds.

"Welcome home child. I am, of course, very pleased to see you, even if I am concerned at what mischief you might have caused whilst you were away."

Oh, she’s definitely amused now. I reply whilst climbing down the wall to the chamber floor, hoping to put myself on more solid ground.

"You wound me, mother" I say reproachfully even as I sweat inside.

caused Garralosh and company to come down this was earlier than they had planned, but considering the Kaarmodo lizard was actively utilising scrying magic, chances are they already knew the human survivors were

Queen loomed above, still so much larger than myself. Her chamber still rests under the surface level, within the Dungeon, which necessitates her guard to be constantly on-alert, seizing monsters the moment they spawn from the walls, subduing them and more often than not bringing them to the Queen to

came up whilst I

waggled with frustrated

assumed as much the moment you walked out of the


about?" I wondered,

bait. Her eyes shone warmly as she discussed

my chamber, she is currently positioned with the brood under the watchful eye of the tenders. Did you know she’d already evolved?"

I’m pleased to see your pet

deeply for every member of the colony and we all loved her back, but we had stuff to do. It’s nice to have someone be your devoted companion. I only had to think of the ever loyal Crinis resting on my back to remind myself of the security a devoted pet brought to

and she’ll be able to add

will be so helpful for

I’ve done, it’s time to bring her

"So about this core..."



bolt from the sky, the Queen’s antennae descended on my head. Even with all of my upgrades, that still really

in a better position to make use of this gift


you I will obtain more of these cores for myself

The Queen wasn’t convinced.

of the generals? If the family is to fight for its survival, they will need to be as strong as possible. I am the only Queen in this colony right now, but there are two others who will soon fulfil this role. I do not fight as the others fight. They need all of the strength they can

colony. I’m not sure if she’s just humble or if she just genuinely doesn’t understand what it would mean for the colony if she were lost. In truth, I suspect that she simply sees herself as performing her function for the family as well as can be she believes there are other parts of the colony that need to be strengthened

and I’m not going to back down this

will stand forward and fight. There is no other ant in this colony who is close to matching me. What we need isn’t more battle potential, we

the Queen to go along with my idea. Why is it so hard to

the future growth prospects of the colony. You have to accept it. Even if all it does is relieve the nerves of the workers, none of us want to lose you and it

ran out, for the first time I noticed that not only was the Queen watching me

Mother" one of them

be a boon

a third chipped in,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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