
Chapter 321

"Welcome back Eldest" Victoriant, the budding queen to be, greeted me.

At the sound of her voice, the others turned their antennae toward me, signalling that their attention was with me as I crawled down the wall and onto the floor in the centre of the chamber. There were a few soldiers present, I noted, to keep the spawning monsters out of our carapace long enough for the council to take place.

"It's good to be home" I told them as I settled in place, observing the first generation of my grand experiment. The twenty hadn't changed much in my absence, perhaps a few mutations here and there, but none of them had taken the next step and reached evolution. I suppose they hadn't wanted to hog resources that were needed to grow the population of the colony.

That was something I could respect. The twenty did not use their seniority to benefit themselves, they thought only of the best for the colony as a whole. It was the kind of unselfishness that I had come to see as normal within the colony. The workers, the Queen, every member, thought only about contributing to the collective and not about empowering themselves.

I suppose, as the only true 'non-ant' in the colony I was the sole exception to that rule. It would be unlikely, or improbable, for any one worker to come into the kind of resources that I had lavished on myself. The sheer wealth of Biomass I had consumed, the cores I had absorbed and the experience I had earned, most workers would have donated much of that to the colony. I suppose in some ways it made me a selfish, member of the colony, but at the same time it had allowed me to contribute my new family in ways that would have been impossible had I not reached as high as I had, as quickly as I had.

Which was something I would have to consider in the future. We didn't have the resources, and likely never would, to raise every ant in the colony the same way I had raised my pets, and invested in myself. Maximised cores and Biomass, special cores absorbed to go beyond capacity and push the evolutionary potential to the limit. It simply wasn't feasible when we were talking about two hundred individual monsters being born per day. My minimum standard would have to be enforced, every worker would generate a core rather evolve in a weakened, dead end state, and each worker would be given the opportunity to reinforce their core before evolving. But I had to consider whether it would be beneficial to pick out individuals for exceptional reinforcement.

It fundamentally didn't seem fair to me, but I couldn't discount the possibility either. After all, I'm just one individual with more resources poured into them than average and I'd been able to change the destiny of the colony completely by changing our species. Who's to say another, similarly resourced ant couldn't do the same via incredible prowess in battle, or magical research, or through crafting?

For now, I didn't intend to make any changes to my hatchling rearing policy, but I would have to continue to think on it if we survived this crises.

"Well" I opened up, "scouting to the north was … interesting."

I tried to keep my tone light, but the twenty clearly detected something as each member's antennae drooped low at my words.

"Would you like to elaborate on 'interesting', Eldest?" Wills the scout asked, almost visibly bracing for an impact.

"Look, I want to say up front that it wasn't my fault!" I said defensively, "if anything, I did a good job as a scout by identifying a major threat!"

even lower, almost touching

Sloan the general enquired tiredly,

sized?" I hazarded. What sort of size scale

realised they had no concept of what a dinosaur was, or how large

able to identify the nature of the destruction occurring to the north, as well as locate the source of the strange monster behaviour and the raids that have been sent

all perked up at these words. This was good stuff so

creature responsible is a gigantic monster crocodile and she's coming our way to stomp us out, along with the

were deflated once

of thousands of monsters and a powerful mage lizard with

any lower

chances of avoiding the danger?" Frances the healer ant spoke up. "Is there a chance we can deflect

even left to scout. Now that they are coming this way, I think they'll work to hunt us

difficult" Brendant the soldier muttered, "we are only just now beginning to ramp up our growth. Active hunting outside of Vibrant and her group only started two days ago. The Queen has

have slightly less than a week to prepare" I informed them, "they're moving fairly slow and taking the long way around. I can't be exactly sure why but I clapped eyes on

that's something at least" Burke muttered and turned her eyes

antennae, curious at the exchange and Burke filled me in. "Wills has gone to organise our scouting regiment, we'll need trails laid further to the

warned, "that


a flow of information as possible will be a great

until they get to us before we begin to inflict damage. We need to start

generals and soldiers flapped their antennae for a moment as they

suggest I lead an advanced

"Rejected" I said.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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