
Chapter 364

Unable to refuse my order, Crinis was forced to extend multiple tentacles which she unwillingly began to wrap around my carapace and squeeze, the lacklustre force evidence to her confusion and reluctance.

[Crinis!] I cried out in agony, [If you don't compress me I'm gonna pop! Please!]

The outward pressure continued to build as the energy in my core swirled dangerously, drawing more and more from the rare core into itself and growing larger with each moment that passed.


Deep within my body a horrific sound reverberated outward and waves of pain washed through my entire body, sending me writhing and twisting on the floor.


[I'll do it!]

Suddenly afraid, Crinis reached out with more tentacles and wrapped them around my body covering almost every inch of my carapace and began to squeeze.

I became still, not because it hurt any less, in fact, it began to hurt more, but with Crinis wrapping me up so tight there wasn't anywhere I could go! In fact, in her rush to obey my desperate plea, she inadvertently caught one of my legs up in her tentacles and the limb was immediately crushed.

She's strong!

But, holy moly, this hurts! The outward pressure of the growing core has now been met with the inward pressure of Crinis. I have no sound medical basis for this procedure, but I'm rolling with my gut instinct here! If all goes well, maybe I'll survive…

Please finish soon, please finish soon. COME ON!

the stressed gem together whilst also having to endure the core pressing back against them. Ravaging pain, the

had to live for was

enough, that's still true


it everything Crinis! Don't worry about

[Ahhhh- OK!]


grinded down on my carapace with such force that even my diamond shell began to crack and splinter beneath her ministrations. The inward force and the outward pressure continued to grind

Activate the regeneration gland!

updates, better experience,Please click

is gonna hurt. But if I can keep my organs functioning for a bit longer, maybe I'll be able to


writhe in pain, but I can't! How much

the core lying on the ground in front of me, a steady stream of energy vapour pouring off it and into me. I think I'm about halfway through absorbing what's left of it. Half way through and I'm barely hanging

Would the Queen whinge and moan like this? No! Hold yourself together! Show the other ants

grow worse each second. Just stop it, pain! Nobody asked you to get any worse! EERGHHH. I'm

to bang what little was exposed of my

a lot of stuff still to do and it won't get done if you pass out and die here! Grit those face hands and endure you son of

of an evolution out of this! Despite my best efforts, my mind is starting to fade. The pain is too much. Is this what it would feel like if Tiny

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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