
Chapter 365

I can't handle this suffering anymore! Gimme the menu!

Forget about doing anything else, I'm worried about dealing with the evolution system properly in this state! Isn't there a pain resistance skill or something!?

Apparently, not.

[Would you like to use the evolution menu?]


[Congratulations on reaching the maximum level for your current species. Evolution will allow you to change your form and increase your stats as a monster.]

[ You have maximised your mutations! As a reward, an additional ten percent evolutionary energy will be granted.]

WHAT!? Bonus energy!?

[Warning: evolving will make securing XP and Biomass more difficult as fewer rewards are given for preying on creatures less evolved than yourself.]

[Your evolution options are as follows (Each evolution is of the species Formica Sapiens):

• Veteran Mature Worker

• Senior Mage Ant

• Mana Soldier (special)

Mind Ant

Nascent Hive Mind


• Colony Paragon (rare)]

aside the bonus energy thing, these options look… ARGH…

slightly less agony so

to have gone through all of the options, some of them sound

the Nascent Hive

them into an almost immobile entity. A rare Mental Dominator Cortex (Formica Sapiens) will be granted with this evolution that will allow the host to usurp and control the body of other

the heck is

to Cunning and Willpower?! What's up with that? And the negatives?! I didn't know something like that was

control each member of the colony? I guess such a thing would be …

colony smart just so I could take away their free will and do all the thinking for them!


Mage Ant +40 bonus to Cunning, +40 bonus to Willpower. This evolution grants significant mental prowess and includes a free rare Social Processing Cortex (Formica Sapiens), which allow the host to temporarily draw on the mental stats of the specified species within a radius. This

Holy Gandalf!

brain?! It's almost enough to shock me out of the pain! Almost… And what's this? The Social Processing Cortex? From the description it seems as if it would allow me to utilise

I could do with that… I could probably even use my sub-minds to manage the job of coordinating the extra minds.

mind power, possibly enough to match the Kaarmodo in raw

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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