
Chapter 366

After selecting the species I would evolve into, the expanded manual evolution menu appeared. I was thankful just to have the distraction, my core was full to bursting with energy and I couldn’t wait to drain the stupid thing dry, improve my body and cease this horrific suffering!

Alright, now that the menu is in front of me, what did I have to do again? I feel like I had to eat something... Oh right! My stomach!

Eagerly, I fiddle about with the menu and begin to check my options for changing my stomach from a non-mutable organ and into a mutable one. Since it turns out that not every organ within a monsters body is able to be upgraded at the time they are born, getting the new members of the colony to enable their stomachs for mutation during their first evolution was critical. Once they could upgrade it, selecting the option to make food consumption more efficient by negating the evolution penalty.

Now I would get the opportunity to do the same thing!


After I messed about navigating the menu, ignoring the twinges of flaming agony that flared inside my body, I was able to find the option to enable my stomach for mutations. Thankfully it was quite cheap, roughly half the cost of a basic organ to do so.

I wasn’t done here either, I also wanted to take a leaf out of Tiny’s book and enable my muscles to be mutable as well. He’d been able to upgrade his musculature to be incredibly powerful, and if I wanted my bite to pierce the heavens one day, I’d need to do the same thing.

Two for the price of one!

How much energy do I have left?

Holy smoking mackerels! I have freakin’ tons! Is this the benefit of pushing my core beyond its limits? And then pushing the extra 10% bonus for a completed mutation set on top? I’ll be able to go much further than I already have with my stats! Not to mention glands! What should I buy? More organs? An aura?! Ah, the snowball effect of my repeated special evolutions has finally come into play! I feel like a kid in a store! Except that I have money to spend!

I feel like I might

I really might pass out. Hold on, me!

things afterwards. Alright then. With the +15 I got from my evolution, I decide to spend most of it shaping a third sub-brain which I place between the other two and connect to the coordination cortex. I have the cortex after all, it’d be a massive waste to not take advantage

force. While I’m at it, I beef up the other two sub-brains slightly, giving them a little extra punch. Having done

and forty percent density. It’ll

forty might does a long way in making me a larger boi. I try to ensure that the density of muscle is concentrated in my head, since those are the muscles responsible for powering my bite. I’ll need all the juice I can get in that department if I’m going to match it with a giant crocodile. I supplement the free stats with some extra from my evolutionary energy pool, making my overall might gain fifty points. If I’m going to address my terrible physical stats in this evolution then I need to

energy, such as electricity, are able to go straight through my outer defences, so toughening up the insides should help reduce

the three rare evolutions gave massive stat gain as well, as powerful as what was described as a ’rare’ organ. In the case of this evolution, it was the Collective Will Vestibule. Rather than an organ it almost appeared to be formed from

of the high end aura glands! Significantly more! And I get it for free?! Viva la rare core! Viva

of what this thing does, but I’m positive it’s going to be amazing!

We have a fair whack of energy still to spend. More stats? Hmm. Not sure. Wings? Again... not sure. Will I really need the wings underground? Flying sounds nice and all, but I

can definitely see how they’d be useful, injecting painful venom into my enemies. But no. I’m firmly in camp acid. The products released from my business district have widespread renown and fame after my aggressive marketing. I wouldn’t want to turn around and start to advertise a whole

happy for something to focus on other

organ that allows for more flexible and

the end of my acid gland that can help me aim without having to change my body position as much.

Whilst I’m at it.

to acid producing organ, this gland will secrete a concentration that

more damage, be more sticky and eat through mana faster. Not bad for one cheap gland! Heck, I’m on a roll, why

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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