
Chapter 367

I can't wait to see my status when this evolution is done. It's going to be craaaaazy. I'm already getting a headache just thinking about having to upgrade all of these new glands. So many!

But it'll be worth it, I may have gone on a bit of a shopping spree, but the utility I've gained is immense, not to mention by all around beefier stats. My size is possibly going to double, perhaps even more than that after this. I'm gonna start pushing Tiny around once I'm done. Gweheheheh.

Alright then. Time to confirm everything and drain this dangerously overloaded core. Just being free of this pain is enough for me to eagerly finish up with the menu and welcome the deep embrace of torpor. As it has in the past, the lassitude begins to fall over me immediately, my vision fading to black and sensation falling blessedly away. Ah, no more pain, no more sensation of a physical body at all!

Wait a second. I remember this sensation.

My mind continued to sink, falling deeper in on itself as if I were circling a cosmic drain to the centre of the world.

Here we go again. Off to chat with Gandalf.

Being my second ride on the … whatever this was … I let myself go and tried to enjoy it without the sense of vertigo kicking in. I have to say, it isn't easy to enjoy a disembodied experience since there isn't really any actual sensation but rather a vague dizzying sense of movement. Without any ability to perceive my environment and without any real sense of distance, I found myself feeling vaguely bored as I waited for the ride to be over.

[Well I do apologise if you find the trip dull. There isn't really any other way to bring you to me.]

Ah, the gruff voice of the Grey One himself. It's seriously uncanny how much they sound alike. Is this some form of cosmic accident?

Yes, well. It is what it is I suppose. How've you been, Gandalf?

A deep chuckle resounded around my free floating mind.

[This name you have for me is amusing. You continue to insist on using it?]

It's not as if I know your real name now, is it?

[And if I told you my real name would you change your way of speaking?]



the voice changed the subject, [I didn't expect to see you here so soon after the last

tell what's going on up there? I'm

system is within my grasp. It's only natural I could track the progress of so many monsters as

entirely fair. How are they controlling

that authority. It's all


died, you know,] Gandalf said suddenly, [You weren't made to push your core that hard at your current level of evolution. Your core should have cracked and

what can I say? Sorry

promising specimen, after all. It would have been a shame to lose you so

annoyingly good at surviving when I shouldn't. You said the system was designed, was it you who

you're going to ask the questions do

I don't have a body, or

in Webnovel,faster updates,

here just to talk at me? A little

someone like you. As I mentioned before, those that I've brought into the Dungeon tend to be on the broken side, and being

was a pause before the voice continued

Like that Garralosh for



was close to yours. Temporal vectors tend to get very fuzzy with this sort of summoning. But yes, she was like you. Unleashed on the Dungeon, alone and had to rely on her wits and savagery to survive. She's

make desperate choices when thrown into a murder pit and forced

[Are you being sarcastic?]

Not at all.

had high hopes for her you know,] the voice mused, [she was much like you, rose up quickly. But in terms of long term impact you've already surpassed her

creating a

creating such a successful species. She made her

very dismissive of the Croca-Beasts, almost as if

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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