
Chapter 368

It was a busy time for the soldiers. Grant had been run off her six legs over the last week. In some ways it was a relief to have the enemy finally arrive on the doorstep! Now she'd have the chance to rip into them directly with her mandibles and not have to stress about extraneous matters!

"Make sure you watch over the eldest carefully" she commanded the guards who remained in the chamber where the Eldest was undergoing their evolution.

The soldiers would hardly have done any different, but they saluted the council member with an antennae anyway before continuing their careful observation of the chamber walls. The Eldest lay close to the centre of the chamber undergoing the process of evolution. The two guardians sat nearby, watching over their master and Grant was careful to give them their space. The two creatures were quite revered in the colony and their unending loyalty to the Eldest was firmly to their credit.

Grant stepped out of the chamber and made her way further down into the newest section of the nest. The Carvers had been excited to have an excuse to have to expand the nest in a new way and the Queen's evolution had been the perfect opportunity. She'd needed more space and to be deeper in the Dungeon which had required an extensive expansion to the lower reaches of the nest.

"Nice work soldiers. Keep up the hard work," Grant nodded to the many soldiers she passed.

She came across a general patrolling with five soldiers trailing behind her moving in the opposite direction.

"How goes things general?"

"The extra patrols are putting a strain on resources, Senior," the smaller soldier variant replied, "the Dungeon wall spawns have been faster than usual over the last day. It feels as though something has changed."

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Grant swiped her antennae in a concerned gesture.

"Have any other patrol groups reported this issue?" She asked.

"All of them," confirmed the patrol leader.

moment. There were a few implications of increased Dungeon spawn rate, and she didn't like any

assured the patrol, "if we can spare any more soldiers they'll be sent down as soon as we

quick salute before she moved on with

member of the colony, was required top side to deal with upcoming battle, committing yet more soldiers to the Dungeon sections of the colony was far from

with the Eldest. Any risk at all to either of them was unacceptable. She supposed they could remove all members of the colony to the above ground section of the nest for the duration of the battle and leave the freshly spawned monsters to battle each other here in the lower

emotions she made her way down into the Dungeon until she came to the chamber the council had made for their use, directly above the

to evolve," she announced

a relieved rustle as the few members of the council present shifted their bodies and their antennae twitched. The twenty members of the council were extremely busy. There wasn't so much of a formal meeting as a rolling series of consultations with whoever was present at the time. For the time being, Mendant, Victoriant, Florence and Coolant were in the chamber, the others were out on business. For many in the council, this chamber had become something of a break room, shameful as it was

was it?" Mendant asked, concerned, "absorbing

she considered how to describe the scene she had observed from the tunnel above the Eldest's chamber. Like a fool, she'd feared for the Eldest's life as his own guardian hand engulfed him in tentacles that writhed and squeezed with tremendous strength. Even covered,

Eldest, succeeded, as

course," Coolant pitched in, "We can only marvel at how powerful a mage the Eldest will become once the

antennae forward in

order to lead the soldiers from

in her mind, the colossal strength of the Eldest, scattering the foe and harvesting their lives as wheat before the scythe, the

you think the Eldest will invest in a healing magic gland?" Mendant asked

caused the healer

be increased in the lower tunnels." Grant

focused on the Soldier, surprise

this trend doesn't continue,"

Coolant replied,

agreement. Guessing would get them

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