
Chapter 373

"Take that!" Leeroy roared as her mandibles tore down yet another foe.

The blood and mana within her body thrummed with excitement as the battle unfolded before her eyes. The ants were fighting, gloriously fighting! All along the wall the horde surged and pushed higher, bringing them within reach of the deadly jaws of the insects above.

"Hahahaha! Die for the colony!" she screamed as she tore into another creature.

Was she telling the enemy to die for the colony, or inviting herself and her siblings to do so? Even she wasn't sure as the joy of battle overtook her senses. She'd put herself on the frontlines, obviously. As close to the action as she could get. She figured the others had assumed that she would do that from the start, so was it really a breach of trust if she followed through with that expectation?

Freed from concerns such as the grand strategy, self-preservation or any sense of the situation around her, Leeroy was able to embrace and indulge her burning desire: to fight! To put her life on the line in the service of her family! What was the point in preserving her life if she could spend it to save even a single one of her siblings? None! Joy soaring in her heart, Leeroy continued to lunge forward to a dangerous degree, teetering over the edge of the wall so she could reach more foes!

The nearby general assigned to this section of wall eyed the manic council member warily. She couldn't help but sigh at the vagaries of fate. That her unit would be tasked with the mission of ensuring the safety of Leeroy, was not something that filled the ant with glee. She would do her duty, naturally, she just felt that, what with the apocalyptic battle the colony was facing, her job didn't need to be made any harder.

"Step up the line" she bellowed.

Moving as one, the reserve soldiers pushed forward to support the ants on the edge of the wall. Some of them grabbed onto the legs of the ants in front, whilst others moved alongside them to help prevent them from being overwhelmed. It had only been a minute since the horde had made its first contact against the wall. Already the enemy was beginning to wash over the top of the wall. It was too soon. The colony needed to drag out the fight whilst minimising their losses.

They would need to hold at this wall as long as they could.

the wall!" she cried, "for the


as one. Thousands of individuals moving in

soldiers battle under the umbrella of her aura. How long

wall roared into the sky. Like furious dragons they took flight before arching down. Searing heat and the crackling

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swelled and hundreds of monsters were engulfed in the blaze instantly. The fire mages had

against the earth wall and now that density came back to haunt them. Hundreds were roasted in an instant. The flames roared hot enough to singe Leeroy's antennae as

what you get!" She cackled at the

as the monsters did not suffer for long. The horde still appeared endless and the monsters only pressed forward all the harder. Those who had fallen to the spell were consumed and only seconds later the enemy began

And a chomp for you! You dare face

have been losing HP when they looked too closely. The clash of monsters! The colony fighting as

words of the Eldest rang in

society. Leeroy had been drilled on these points many times, much more than her siblings, yet in the heat of the moment, even

the large Soldier ant screamed and roared her defiance at the enemy, the nearby general began to notice a change come over the figure. It was almost as if she were vibrating with pure energy. The general sharpened

could no longer contain herself. She shuffled back a few steps

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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