
Chapter 374

A delivery system of flesh and bone. That’s what the horde truly was. As an instrument of the dark will that controlled it, the massive gathering of enslaved monsters had been used to scour the kingdom of Liria and possibly neighbouring kingdoms as well. Here and now? That mass of bodies served a different purpose. To deliver Garralosh and her children to the target of her wrath as easily as possible.

Sloan knew that only when they had destroyed enough, thinned enough of the horde away, would the true enemy show its face. Until then, Garralosh and the Kaarmodo would be content to stay back and allow their unwitting soldiers to absorb the punishment.

"The key to this battle, is holding enough strength in reserve that we can deal with the Croca-Beasts when they come," Sloan had declared at the planning meeting.

To that end, the colony had prepared waves of tricks and schemes that they could employ. The horde would pay dearly for every inch of ground they took. The worry was, the primary reserve force of the colony still hadn’t woken up.

The Eldest was still sleeping!

Sloan couldn’t help but clean her antennae over and over again in an attempt to calm her nerves. Something her sibling couldn’t help but notice.

"Calm down," Victor advised.

"I would if I could!" Sloan snapped back.

"The Eldest will awaken in time. How could you doubt it?"

"You do realise what will happen if they don’t?"

"I suspect that we’ll all be wiped out and the colony will cease to exist," Victor replied, unruffled.

"Y-yes! That’s right!"

it change anything? Have a little faith in the Eldest. When

a little hard to argue against. The Eldest was a six legged storm, stirring up change wherever they went, but to date they had never

her front legs once more before she settled with a sigh. The two generals were positioned in the main nest in a chamber close to the surface. In a room next to them, scouts came and went at a

battle is progressing," Victor suggested

clacked her mandibles

don’t like it that we are

sibling sighed, but

much as you. But the two of us are the best generals in the colony. We can best serve the colony from here.


the muffled scents of a dozen different conversations. Ants crawled

first wall has done its job," Victor observed as

Sloan proposed. "If we commit the reserves from the

be too high," the other general countered, "and unnecessary. The outer wall wasn’t built to hold and was never

best planning. One proposed a plan, the other tried to tear it down. After the back and forth was done, they

then. Time to sound

the scouts waiting to carry messages

wall. Prepare the reserves. We want every

their prepared messages whilst the two generals turned their eyes back to the map. Ants poured over it once more, making the delicate adjustments based on the event

other as they hastened to reach their assigned positions. The potential for devastating loss was huge. The retreat needed to be managed carefully, with precision. An orderly retreat back to the second wall was the aim, not a scattered manoeuvre with the lines

Proppelant had taken her

retreat, the spell

it!" Proppelant bellowed, "draw out every scrap

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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