
Chapter 406

Finally! Back in the nest and away from the crazy! The Kaarmodo is gone (hopefully) and I have nothing to worry about. Let's go get it!

Full of energy, I barrel into the nest and charge down the main shaft. I'm heading for that Dungeon and nothing's going to stop me! Lumbering behind, Tiny shares my enthusiasm. He missed the entire battle and I can tell he's sour about it. The closer we get to the Dungeon, the brighter the big ape's eyes become. By the time we make it to our old resting place his ears are twitching with excitement. I'm with you Tiny, it'll be great to get back to the simple life!


No. Pls. Don't do it to me like this. I was so close. So damn close!

[What is it Victor?]

The now much smaller than me general crawls out of a side tunnel to appear in my line of sight.

[I was hoping to have a quick word before you left.]

[Okay, Victor. Hit me. What's happening.]

[The council wants to elevate Vibrant to the position left vacant by Grant's passing. She's the logical choice as the next eldest soldier in the colony, even if she probably won't be around all that much. What do you think?]

[It's fine with me,] I say, a little exasperated. [You don't need me to okay these things. Just do what you think is best.]

[Of course. We just wanted to make sure you approved.]

[It's fine,] I repeat. [Is there anything else?]

itching to go

a brief moment before she shrugs off her

time is important for the development of the colony. We don't

[There's nothing here to

in the air that descends in the face of my

check in with you guys when I get back. Just keep it simple. Everyone needs to keep learning, keep growing the colony and secure more territory, but slowly. No

you say, Eldest. That's

to see Mother when we get down there. Catch you

And finally free!

at last! Muahahaha! Time for these stupid monsters to

to what I got to experience for a brief time just after I was born. It hasn't fallen to that point yet though, and spawn rates from normal spawn locations are still higher than normal. The colony has been busy cleaning

the nest where the colony hasn't been

lightning dances across his mighty shoulders. Crinis also lets her… tentacles… down, and the cold fury of the JellyMaw is once again unleashed on the poor denizens of the Dungeon.

than anything else. Being able to shoot in front of me without having to turn around is such a boon I can hardly describe it. Especially now that I'm this large. As an insect, I'm not especially flexible, there isn't a whole lot of twisting that goes on, I just have to turn my entire body around to orient my business district. Now I can just lift my commercial interests high, lower the front of my

organs comes new opportunities for mutation! I need to play around with my new abilities a little more before I decide on what to do there. If I make a hasty decision before I've had time to consider what I want to

None of us is particularly struggling for Biomass right now, after consuming Garralosh we have a mighty hoard, but it never hurts. Before we

consuming Biomass of a lower tier

residing. Dug into the shortcut I'd constructed earlier, this large and spacious chamber is, for the moment, the beating heart of the colony in the sense that all egg production is occurring

it's only natural that the place is bristling

[How goes it everyone?]

to their tasks. A constant stream of Biomass is being brought into the space and taken to one end where the three Queens

have progressed from Juvenile Queens to Young Queens! Each of them is able to lay fifty eggs a day. It might not seem like much, but over time it'll rapidly add up. The Queen,

Which is many.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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