
Chapter 420

Of course there's a dodge skill. It's obvious that there would be one. It's a classic skill! One of the very basics. Right up there with 'charge' and 'hit', there is always going to be dodge! I don't remember seeing it in the menu when I first checked the available skills, so it must have unlocked at some point. Perhaps when my stats were high enough, or after I'd successfully avoided an attack from something.

Why the heck didn't I go back and check for dodge? I suppose I've adopted a strategy of allowing myself to get hit for most combatants. What with my incredible, shiny carapace and ability to shift position to maximise the usefulness of said shiny carapace, I've not really needed to dodge. Except when I run into the big powerful stuff, then I really, really needed to.

Grumbling at myself, I purchase the dodge skill. I really need to be a little more diligent in checking for new skills popping up over the course of my battles. There's no prompts, so you never know if something super useful has popped up. Whilst I wait for Crinis to complete her evolution, I pass the mind magic shenanigans over to my sub-brains and peruse the lists looking for more defensive options.

Sure enough, a couple stand out and I purchase them readily.

[Endure: Provides knowledge and instincts to assist absorbing impacts when struck by heavy blows.]

[Grace: Assists the user in maintaining balance when moving or in combat.]

Combined with dodge, these skills should help to elevate my defensive game to a new level! With my future sense and massively heightened reflexes, I should be able to dodge, duck and weave my way out of a lot of trouble! If I'd thought to purchase these skills and level them up I'd have had a much easier time avoiding those reckless charges from Garralosh!

Ah well, no use crying over it.

Actually since, I'm sitting around waiting. I should do a couple of cheeky mutations. Before we advance deeper into the Dungeon, I surely want to upgrade my stomach. If we're going to run into some higher tier enemies, I definitely want to be able secure my fill of that sweet Biomass!

[Do you wish to improve Discerning Stomach +5 to Bottomless Discerning Stomach +10? This will cost 40 Biomass.]

I do! And then for another 65, I'll fuse those two upgrades to achieve the Gluttonous stomach +15! Bwahaha!



me now! A mere stomach. How could that possibly compare to the maddening itch of your very skeleton mutating? Or your muscles?! Bah! I can resist!

[Master? Are you alright?]

Crinis! I thought you were

finished, as

little more show stopping on the inside. This time was no different. Her size has once again seen an increase, she's approaching a beach ball now. She still has eight

grind out as my stomach continues its metamorphosis. [I hope you're happy with


Master. Why don't you

[Good idea!] I gasp.

the awful itch tearing up my insides, I stagger jerkily


Name: Crinis

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Might: 100

Toughness: 90

Cunning: 56

Will: 57

HP: 180/180

MP: 230/230

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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