
Chapter 421

The second strata has for centuries been known as the place in which true danger begins. The first is considered the realm of the mercenary, the opportunist. Any party with a modicum of organisation and training should be able to eke out a living there. Farming for the smallest of cores and the petty materials that form at such low levels of concentration.

No, the real promise and opportunity of the Dungeon lies below. Where the mana grows thick, and takes on attributes as it is exuded into the air. The second strata, the shadow realm, is the first such challenge. It should not be assumed that only shadow mana can be found here, but it is for sure the thickest. There are other insidious and dark forces at work here. Undead, terrible lightless and cold creatures abound in this layer, making it far more dangerous than the first. But the rewards are commensurately great.

The Dungeon is always fair. Greater risk means greater reward. Cores are more abundant there, not to mention the incredible wealth of attributed minerals and materials. The armour of the Undying Phalanx of Rillex was crafted from metals mined in this layer, the powerful death mana sustained those men beyond what their bodies could endure. Such are the rewards of the deeper delves.

[A shame you couldn't stay longer, old chap! It's been wonderful to make your acquaintance a bit better this time.]

[Likewise, Formo! Your people have been remarkably hospitable. I have only positive things to say! Except for maybe the noise…]


I wince.

[That's it, right there.]

[I suppose you are right. We hardly notice it, you know. Until you pointed it out, I hadn't even considered how we sound to others.]

[Well, how often do you meet other people? I can't imagine you get many visitors down here.]

to the worms. There are a few groups still willing to

[IGNORANCE!] I shout.

Good luck on your journey,

could bring some of my core shapers here to learn

[HO HO! HA! No.]

[Worth a try.]

to come and trade

shy when you

you nearly everything,

fine. All

[Farewell, young Anthony.]

a good time staying here, and I've learned a ton, but it's time to move on. Some might say I've been shirking my duty to the colony, and

they wouldn't see me off from the village, oh no, they had to darken our minds before hauling us out on a worm. At least they were polite this time and didn't knock us out immediately, they asked politely, which

scrawny, shrivelled arm to wave back before he mounts his enormous worm and turns around, moving


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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