
Chapter 425

[Remember why we came down here guys?]

[To escape our responsibilities?]

[No! Crinis, what the hell?!]

[Sorry, Master! I- I thought you said -]

[Never mind what I said! Those are things we keep between us. Special secrets that we never utter out loud.]

[But we aren't talking out loud?]

[Besides the point! No, let's focus on the other important reasons we're here.]

Crinis raises one of her thin tendrils to scratch herself on the top of her sphere.

[Well. We're here so you can absorb mana and survive long term…]

[Mission accomplished on that front. My core is ticking along great down here.]

[Wonderful!] Crinis considers again for a moment. [We also came to get experience and Biomass for Tiny and myself.]

[Right. Since we don't get much experience up above, or Biomass, we should find more challenging, highly evolved monsters down here.]

[And we want to scout out the strata for the colony, since the Queen will need to come down here eventually.]

[She will, and soon.]

[And you wanted to try and find traces of others like you.]

[Correct! More like myself and Garralosh. According to the Sophos, there are a few of us down there in the depths. I'd love to hear what they've been up to, so long as they managed to hold onto a little sanity.]

think for

that I was from another world and resurrected here as a monster,

[No? Why would it?]

have no idea. Perhaps you would think I wasn't a proper monster since I used

proper monster? Surely you're joking


[What do you mean?]

you'll find another monster

I mean, that's

[… or as wise…]

wide for my

[… or as savage…]

wait, what


Hold on, really?!

ambitious as


[Of course!]

some serious psychological damage you're inflicting there Crinis. You don't even realise it, either. Actually, somehow that makes it worse. Am I really that nasty? I mean, I've done some stuff, but cruel? Savage?! I'm not confident that Crinis' views can be trusted on this one. She has a strange slant sometimes. In my mind I'm a

Beasts and I'm interested

of the Dark

on my unlocked profiles for a long time, but Formo did say that the master profile was a way of peering into the mind of the Dungeon itself. Which

bring up the full profile for the.. Dark

Master Profile:

Dark Ghoul, A Shadow Affinity monster with powerful

Might: 56

Toughness: 33

Cunning: 15

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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