
Chapter 426

To my eyes, there is nothing wrong with the tunnel ahead. More of the coral-like plant fronds crop up, along with a few specimens of stabbing fronds, which I'll provide my trademark service whenever I can. Visually, there's nothing wrong, the scene is peaceful, idyllic. One might even venture to say picturesque. My mana sense, however, paints a very different scene.

Threads of pure shadow cover the tunnel from top to bottom. As if the darkness itself had been woven into thick webs that cling to the walls, the ceiling and the floor for dozens of metres. Worst of all, in the centre of the mess sits the most horrific looking arachnid I've ever imagined. I look down on spiders for having two more legs than is necessary. I mean, you get to six legs, the perfect number, enjoyed by the majority of lifeforms on Earth and probably Pangera. You're at six, why the hell would you keep getting more? You've achieved leg nirvana, the goldilocks zone of legs! An organism would have to be diabolically stupid, or dipped in pure distilled evil to fail to recognise the holy nature of the insect.

So I hate spiders for that reason. Stupid or evil, I care not which. They all are horrible and deserve what comes to them. This spider has seen the wicked ways of its kind, witnessed them indulge in their cauldron of sin and thought itself: "What we have going on here? It's good stuff. I'm impressed, I dig the vibe. But check this crazy idea. What if we had… what if we were to have… more legs?"

I recoil in horror as the bloated beast reveals itself to my mind. Eight? No. Ten? No. Twelve? Not at all. Sixteen legs! Why?! In the name of all that is good and sacred in this world and all others, WHY?! That number of legs is completely superfluous! I cannot imagine any advantage to be gained by possessing this ridiculous number of legs. This creature I cannot allow to survive! I shall rend it to pieces and devour its legs with savage glee! Glee I tell you!

Facing off against the many-legged Taratect of legend, I won't back down. The webs will be a problem, but not one that I can't handle. They appear to be woven out of attributed mana, not actually physical or tangible in the normal sense. Luckily for me, my acid is the perfect tool for deconstructing this mess.

Foul creature of evil! Eat acid!


[Hurr?!] Tiny grunts in confusion as I unleash acid into the seemingly normal tunnel. His expression changes quickly as tangles ropes of shadow begin to melt and fray into view.

We're going to have to do something for Tiny, he's going to struggle in this Strata if he can't see what he's doing. Crinis has none of these issues and is completely aware of what I'm doing.

[Why does it have so few limbs?] She asks with revulsion.

Wrong question Crinis. And


Insect kind reigns


doesn't appear to enjoy the process of having its sweet home torn into shreds. From its position clinging to the top of the tunnel with its grotesque number of legs the spider descends and reaches out. Able to grip both sides off the tunnel at once its limbs seem to stretch forever as

and bent sharply at the joint. The details of the

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Not for long!


I aim forward and continue to deliver liquid justice toward the face of the creature. The more my acid chews

extremes. It's mouth is nearly enough to rival that of Crinis, my dear murder sphere, in its sheer horrific-ness. Multiple

seems as if you want to get closer to me, mister spider. I believe I can find it in

flood my jaws with energy in a few seconds, energy which I'm only too happy to reach out with towards


the spider and cause it to fall toward me, preparing the Omen Chomp Skill to deal fantastic and deadly damage to this offensive arachnid. However, the beast reacts with incredible

have to go in there and get


proves to be surprisingly dextrous, dodging wildly and trying to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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