
Chapter 440

As the fish swirl around us, biting and tearing at us from a dozen angles at once, from below comes a new threat. Almost like dogs, wolves or hounds, they run and leap, agile as monkeys across the stone as they come snapping our heels. Slippery as eels and mouths frothing they ran around us, circling at speed as the fish keep snapping at us. Although some of dogs look larger than the others, some of the fish more powerful, I'm fairly certain these are lower tier monsters, only threatening in their numbers, not their strength. They are all rather irritating though.

[Crinis, try to deal with fish, I'll take of the dog situation!]

[Okay, Master!] Crinis declares, sounding determined.

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When she decides to go all out, Crinis can be quite intimidating, to say the least. More than three dozen tentacles explode out of her rapidly inflating body, creating an instant web of barbed death for the fish that nibble and rip at her. With her little tentacle brains steering them without her having to think about it, a large number of the limbs are mobile at once, making complex manoeuvres that chase and whip toward the fish with deadly precision. The fish are small and are able to twist past her grasping tentacles more often than not, but she starts to take hold of them and gradually whittle down her numbers.

For my part, I need to help Tiny. The dogs are circling him, nipping at his feet as he bellows as takes wild swings at them. Whenever he tries to zap them they duck away into crevices and gaps where he can't see them, only to emerge again when he turns away.

The big guy's getting pretty frustrated, his eyes have gone red with rage. Any longer and he's going to start smashing the terrain into pieces and we might just fall into a den of vipers beneath our feet! My claws grip the coral hard and I dash forward, my bulk scatters the dogs in front of me as I catch one in my mandibles.


[Chill out, Tiny! I'm here to support!]

of me. Instead that loop around to my sides and start to prowl, nipping at my legs and business district. It's low! These damn dogs are so sneaky and their tactics are so dirty! Where's

I have just the thing to deal with enemies who want


the unsuspecting dogs. In moments the liquid hardens, weighing them down even as it burns them. A moment later the dogs abandon their strategy of remaining behind me and

others. With its mouth open wide its tongue lashes out, a pointed barb on the tip, stretching over two metres to


saving me once more. The tongue gets reeled


Tiny roars I turn to see him collapse on his side, one his legs impaled by a spear like tongue. The moment he goes down the dogs scatter and retreat, at least, those not covered in my acid do, but I can sense their lurking presence below

of these mutts! It's almost enough to make me wish I was a spider so I could wrap them up in webs and torture them at my leisure! No, Anthony, don't think such dark thoughts. If you were hunting as an ant should, you'd have hundreds of your siblings by your side right now, cutting off their retreat and swarming them at every opportunity. The ant way is still the

fish under control I move closer to Tiny, working my Healing Mana construct with my main mind to shape together the poison removal spell. As I work, the flesh around the puncture wound is necrotising rapidly, it must hurt like hell. What sort of poison is this?! It works

finally cast the spell, I can sense the poison being drained out of him, the spell purifying and

The poor ape. His offensive power is still able to cut it, but he's beginning to show some weaknesses here on this level. As a creature with skin, his defence isn't able to ward off these insidious poison attacks as effectively as I can, and Crinis, with her amorphous shadow

to fight once more, I can sense the dogs slink out of range, not wanting to continue the fight. Yeah, you

Umbra Venandi

a higher tiered creeper. They are quite intelligent, able to utilise tactics to corner prey, striking when at its most vulnerable point, injecting their venom before retreating to await the victim to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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