
Chapter 441

Ah, fishing. It's a peaceful, pleasurable and altogether gentlemanly pursuit. A meaningful hobby for those who enjoy quiet and rest. The sun dappling on the gentle waves. The quiet hum of insects and the chirp of birds in the trees. Serenity. Tranquillity. These are the words I associate with this noble activity.

[Master! I really don't think we can handle any more!]

[That can't be, it's only been two minutes. What's Tiny's opinion?]

[Master! You know he gets happier the more danger he's in!]

[Oh, come now Crinis. I'm sure Tiny has a reasonable and measured opinion on how things are going.]

[I really must disagree!]

[How's it going down there, Tiny? Do you think you can handle some more?]


[That's what I thought!]

I manipulate the fireball to extend it further away from my position, nestling on the upper reaches of the reef and flare it once again. This draws the ire of the monsters swimming above, some of whom can no longer bear for this source of hated heat and light to exist, and charge down to massacre the being responsible for it. Which of course leads them into the trap we have prepared for them. Crinis has extended a maze of tentacles, all she can handle, which is more than even I thought she could, to block up the path the monsters need to take to get to me. Just in front of her position, Tiny meets the oncoming rush head on, his fur alight with electrical energy, his fists moving swiftly, snapping out with jabs and straights that pick monsters right out of the air.

figure when he actually tries to focus. Up on the balls of his feet he shifts his position with speed and grace, he keeps the enemy in front of him as he dances, his hands reaping a dreadful toll. For her part, Crinis

expected. Fish, leeches, some sort of eel thing and big shark creature that stinks of death. So a good catch, to be sure, but Crinis is starting to get overwhelmed. The majority of the tentacles she's extended aren't being actively controlled by her, so when the monsters who are too large to slip between the gaps get frustrated, they just start ripping and tearing into the limbs. Due to her mutations, Crinis' shadow flesh is much tougher than it was, but it still isn't as difficult to penetrate as my carapace, not even close. The shark in


you sure, Crinis? This is all for your levels you know!? Aren't you

do this! I won't let

will ascend to a new height and greater power! Become


in victims. The battle is fierce and vicious, pushing Tiny and Crinis to the edge of their abilities. The two of them are battered by the time it finishes. Tiny has wounds all over his body and I move fast to heal him, don't want his ongoing affliction to finish him off while we eat. I also perform a poison extraction on him, since I assume he was infected by one of his assailants. For her part, Crinis has shrunk, a good chunk of her shadow flesh has been lost in the battle and it will take her some time to regenerate it all. Her

team! Hopefully you managed to harvest some levels out

[I did!]

a few levels and he enjoyed the fight immensely, furthermore, would it

as you can handle, Tiny. You did nearly die after

seems to shrug in a way that indicates he doesn't agree with me, but

being dumb and eat. We have a ton of Biomass we need to clean

taste of shadow monsters over the weeks but it really is terrible. Not that anything I've had to eat since I was reborn in this world is delicious. Perhaps I should have eaten some human food back at

of things with this Biomass, but I've really been having a lot of fun, and getting

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taken my defence to a whole new level! In fact, they've truly allowed my defensive skill, Exo-Skeleton Defence, to shine brighter than before and I'm levelling that Skill

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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