
Chapter 474


He… hehe….

Heheha…. Hoo…

Ha!... Hahahahaha!


Victory! Sweet, sweet victory has been secured! For the colony! For all of ant kind! I almost felt sorry for that stupid Rhino monster. I rate the monster as little more than a ridiculous concept. It was too slow when it mattered and unable to defend itself in so many situation. Hardly the kind of thing that could be depended on in any sort of situation. After battering it with a hail of condensed gravity bolts, it was unable to muster any sort of resistance at all!

When the monster can't even move, surely they couldn't have believed I wouldn't be able to break through that tough defence eventually? Morons! Pure morons! Now they will be forced to bow before the mighty strength of ant kind! They have no choice but to acknowledge our superiority!


[They still think you're useless,] Granin broke into my triumphant internal monologue.


After the battle I'd eaten my fill of the Rhino and been escorted back to my cell. Fortunately the Shapers weren't cheap enough to rob me and my hard won Biomass was delivered to me along with the core of the slain monster. Granin appeared shortly after, radiating smugness, for a debrief.

[How did you even know what I was thinking?] I demand.

[It's not hard to work it out. You're very prideful of your species and your antennae do this weird twitchy thing when you get overly happy.]


[It's nice to see you in a better mood at any rate,] Granin continued, [you've been a little unsteady for a while now. If you don't mind me saying so.]

[I wonder why that would be?!]

I feel like he has a point. Being captured and thrown into this terrible situation has thrown me off balance. It's been a real struggle to adapt to the rapid change in my circumstances and face being put at the mercy of others for the first time since my rebirth. My stress had been building to dangerous levels. Although it would be weird for a human to say, having the opportunity to battle and triumph has really helped me settle down. I feel like I'm thinking more clearly and I feel much more calm.

I can't hold onto the grudge, that doesn't help me get out of this situation. That's something I need to keep on reminding myself. The time to hold tight to the grudge is after I've made my escape and made contact with the colony…

[See, you're doing it again, the happy antennae wiggling thing.]

[Ah… How curious.]

[Don't waste the core of this beast either. It's a tier six and they made sure to stuff it full at every level. Could even make an interesting pet…]

[Rejected. I already have a meathead power pet. I don't need another.]

[You mean the ape? This creature is much superior to that…]



the thought with a wave

look at your status

I know I got a few

as well take a peek, then we can work out what you need to do before the


menu and checked

Name: Anthony

Level: 23 (Rare) (V)

Might: 91

Toughness: 79

Cunning: 64

Will: 45

HP: 158/158

MP: 250/250



7; Expert Grip (III) Level 2; Expert Stealth (II) Level 1; Tunnel Guide (III) Level 2; Iron Mind (IV) Level 6; Expert


Empowered Mind Magic Affinity (III) Level 6; Expanded Mana Sensing (III) Level 8; Enhanced Healing Magic


Crafting (IV) Level 2; Pet Growth Speed


Level 2; Advanced Dodge (II) level 8; Advanced Endure


Acid Shot (III) Level 9; Expert Precise Shooting (III) Level 2; Omen Chomp (IV)



Eyes +15, Future Sight Infrared


Carapace +25, Supportive Inner


Loquacious Pheromone Gland +15, Vast Hungering


Nozzle +10; Potent Acid Concentration Gland +10, Fatiguing Acid Stimulation Gland


Adaptable Coordination Cortex +15,


+15, Collective

Colony Paragon (Formica

Skill points: 8

Biomass: 327

be a good thing. The elemental magics are chugging along. I haven't

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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