
Chapter 475

[Still, one advantage you have over monsters of your tier is that you have a fairly capable basis for multiple thought threads, which is the optimal way to grind your mental Skills.]

[That's what I've been doing. At least lately. The idea was to advance my magic as fast as possible to try and unlock the Gravity Magic Affinity. I have a feeling that once I get it, it'll be strong.]

Granin nods.

[I've no doubt of that. Space magic is one of the most advanced forms of magic known and only old boulders like myself manage to level our Skills to the point we can unlock it. Even then, it levels up extremely slowly. Only the most powerful and gifted of Shapers can do more than create and open gates with it.]

Thinking of an army of ants teleporting around through magical gateways, I mutter: [yeah, well, gates sound pretty good.]

[You aren't wrong. They form a huge part of every Dungeon civilisation. I'd go so far as to say, colonising the Dungeon would have been impossible without it. If your Gravity magic is as fundamental as that, it may be some time before you're able to unlock the affinity.]


[Agreed,] Granin sighs, [acquiring that skill would be the easiest and fastest way to power you up. Since you don't have access to it, and we don't know when you will, there's little point in trying to grind for it now. If we throw all our eggs in that basket and the Skill doesn't show up, then you'll end up in a bad way.]

[I don't know about that,] I protest, [it's not as if that last battle was a real struggle. I dealt with that supposedly powerful monster with ease.]

Granin gave me a long steady look at that point. I could almost hear his thoughts turning in his head, I could see how hard he was struggling not to call me an idiot.

[Out with it then,] I sigh.

sat down before looking me in the

a stupid thought experiment. Had it landed that charge on

about my

Shapers to create that creature and it was a certified killing machine. Luckily for you, it wasn't that smart, and it was inflexible. I don't think the poor creature even considered you would use Earth magic to open a tunnel beneath you whilst

saying I was

advantage in, since you're a reincarnator. Most of the monsters that you'll

invest in mental

without a brain is just asking for your expensive, labour intensive project to club its own brain out with a rock. Remember, these aren't pets.

he has a help at various points. In some ways it just adds to his loveable charm, but in others it's nearly got us

what's the play then? What do you think I need to work

of answering directly, the Shaper

basic elemental skills

fire, water, earth and air? I mean. I have them. None

That’s better than I thought. If you can get all of them to rank three and fuse them

thought fusions would be better the higher rank

Granin hesitates.

sure that anyone has done rank six. Certainly I've no idea what that fusion

be worth

to trump planning for the long term

anywhere without taking risks! I have a feeling like if I compromise too much then my path to power in the future is going to get cut short. Compromise now, compromise in the future, when will it end? I need to push hard, right now. Also, I have an advantage that Granin doesn't know about. The Gravity Bomb. I know it's a risk, but if I get deep enough into this tournament, hopefully the Cult won't be so prepared to sacrifice me to learn about my magic and I can snag a free win by blasting some poor monster into a compressed ball of their former

go home, Granin! We're shooting for a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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