
Chapter 490

[Hell yes my invertebrate brother! This is what I'm talking about! Leave the crazies to be crazy and let's get out of here. We'll have a way better chance of surviving together than we would on our own!]

Jim the Elemental Worm of Earth is all in. Not too surprising considering he already wants to escape and has made no secret of it. His entire body wiggles with delight as he enthusiastically expresses his desire to get out of crazy town. Sarah is far less enthralled.

[Escape?! Why?!] she says, aghast. [The Shapers have taken care of you for years, Jim! You're safe here. Going back out into the Dungeon, it’s insane!]

The giant worm doesn't stop its dance as he replies, exasperation clear in his voice.

[I've been telling you that I want to get out of here for more than twelve months, Sarah.]

[I didn't think you actually wanted to leave! Why would you ever want to leave?!]

[We are prisoners here. Well-fed and well cared for prisoners, to be sure, but prisoners all the same! Do you think just because they speak to you politely that you aren't a captive? Can you go wherever you want? Can you do anything without their permission? You need to wake up!]

[It's better than living like a mindless beast. You want to go back to kill or be killed?! Or more likely, spending months at a time hiding beneath the dirt?!]

[Whoa there,] I break in. [Let's just chill for a moment, that got heated fast.]

(as well as a worm can stare anyways, I really don't think he has eyes) and Sarah is clearly agitated, her breath booming like bellows as she sucks in the air. From that brief interchange

feelings here. Yes, the Dungeon is a scary and dangerous place where you have to fight to survive,] I say to Sarah, [and yes, you are in fact

other two former humans grumble

in a soothing way. Calming circles, all that jazz. [And it's clear that Sarah isn't as chafed by her restricted freedoms as Jim is, that's also fine. Let's just talk it out, work out where each of us stands and

all bent out of shape? If anyone has the right

how about Sarah goes

tail wave as a reply, indicating his

then Sarah, tell us how you feel

for my parents.

nods her head and settles back on her hindquarters. She takes a few moments to frame her thoughts before she continues. [Obviously, it's been a long time for me. In the Dungeon, I mean. I had an advantage over the two of you, I suppose. I was reborn as a bear, not an insect. I don't think I was super powerful but I was quite strong and I was able to defend myself pretty well. But, I wasn't very good… at it. Being a monster, I mean. I suppose … it must sound silly, but, fighting… and killing. I hated it. I found refuge with the Sophos for a time, but I wasn't comfortable there, they didn't understand why I didn't

They wouldn't make sense of that at all. A monster that wouldn't fight? What's the

and the violence. I just… I don’t want to go back… I don't want to be on my

A pause.

is wired to thrive in that sort of environment. I just want you to consider one thing Sarah. If you were to escape with us, you wouldn't be on your own, but would have people to talk to, people who could help share the danger with you. Something to

tiring. I'm not built for

why don't you tell us your

my experience of the Dungeon wasn't great, in fact it was absolutely awful! But I'll take that situation, which

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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