
Chapter 491

After discussing the great escape the conversation turns back to more idle topics. Where did you live on Earth? Wow, I sure didn't live anywhere near there! How did you die? Don't want to talk about it? I'm not surprised! It's probably not surprising that we aren't the type of people who'd want to excessively share about our human lives. Given what I learned from the lord of the Dungeon, Mr Beardy Man himself, put together with the few small hints that I got from the others, I understand that none of us had fantastic lives.

I mean, mine was fine, but Garralosh and these two seem to have suffered some nasty stuff.

Ah well, the past is in the past. We're all monsters now and we need to live the best monster life we can. Which for me means getting the heck out of here without becoming some other monster’s lunch so I can reunite with my family. They must be struggling without me, desperate for my guidance and steady leadership…

Don't become delusional, Anthony. They're probably doing just fine without you. In fact, if anyone should be worried, it should be them worrying about me. Our conversation plays out quite pleasantly in the end and we go our separate ways. I notice that Sarah takes a good long look at her trio of escorts before she moves off with them. Perhaps she's actually starting to wake up to the reality of her life here. If she actually does manage to make an escape with Jim, I think she'll find the Dungeon far less intimidating than she did before. Company makes all the difference. If I didn't have the Colony and Tiny, I might have ended up exactly the same as her. Going from being a human living in a society to being a monster incapable of communication is rough to say the least. No one to talk to, even just to vent and destress makes things tough mentally.

Jim had it even harder, slithering around in the soil, completely blind. He plays it off as if it were fine, but I think he suffered a great deal in those early days. Unable to fight, unable to see or talk. Living in a world of complete darkness whilst being so defenceless and clueless. It must have left some scars on him. It would be impossible for it not to. His willingness to throw himself back into the thick of it is admirable, but I feel he too would benefit from having a companion to share the danger with.

It's unlikely to have anything to do with me anyway. If we get out alive, we'll soon part ways. For now, the staying alive part is what I need to focus on. Back in my cell I'm not too shocked to find Torrina waiting once more.

[Do you have to be here? Don't you have something else to do?] I groan.

She quirks one stony eyebrow at me.

alive for the moment so I'd thought I'd stay here

ma'am. Let's get

and keep myself alive. I'd be an absolute idiot to put less than all of my effort into it.

of magic at the same time is progressing my Skills at a quick pace. Not only the elemental Skills, but my supplementary mental Skills as well. I've gained two levels in Iron Mind and one in Profound Meditation as well as bringing all of my elemental Skills, bar Air, up to rank three. The third rank is some sort of pivot for the elements, unlocking more powerful varieties of the original shape. Water unlocked Ice magic at rank three and it proves the same for the others. Earth Magic unlocked Stone Magic and Fire magic unlocked Blue Flame. All sorts

made it to rank three? That's all she wrote folks, move along. For my part, I fully intend to keep pushing. Before the next

my next opponent?] I squeeze out to Torrina during

a quick spell at me in case I become distracted but I manage to rip it apart

second round hasn't finished yet. I think we still have two more days, perhaps a

Another two days… ugh.

there any chance you could sneak Tiny in here? I'd love

but it might be tricky to bring him into the compound.

[I appreciate it.]

say they're not 'friends' as such, more 'magically bound slaves' but I hold no

you worried about your

- … what

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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