
Chapter 492

Granin and I end up sitting facing each other. Though in my case 'sitting' is more of a comfortable crouch, which brings us reasonably close to eye level. Although again, in my case, I technically have a heck of a lot of eyes.

[There were a hundred and twenty-eight monsters at the start of this tournament. After just two rounds, we're down to thirty-two.]

Even through the rock on his face, I can see his disgust plain and clear. He looks like he wants to spit.

[Nearly a hundred projects that the Cult had invested in, gone to waste. The amount of effort, care and expertise that has been utterly wasted here is a travesty.]

I'm a little confused. Don't these monsters always end up dying? What the heck do they do with them?

[Usually, we release them into the Dungeon,] he replies after I query him. [Once we've done everything we can, training and raising the monster to the best of our collective abilities, we let them go out to the Dungeon to seek their destiny, hoping that they'll descend to the deepest Dungeon and become the final Ancient.]

[You just let them go? Like, releasing them into the wild?! Surely they all die?]

[We don't know if they're all dead,] he grumbles, [and even that's beside the point. Unless we let them out to fight and grow on their own, there's no chance they'll become an Ancient. The idea that you can keep and control a creature of that sort of power would be insane.]

He makes a decent point there. Trying to hold onto a monster as it grew increasingly strong would be difficult. These aren't pets; they have absolutely no issue biting the hand that feeds them. While many of the monsters are smart and can be reasoned with, eventually they'll get to tier eight or nine and can the Cult keep them caged at that point?


[Anyway,] Granin waves a hand, [the third round is coming, after which there'll be four more.]

[Four more rounds?! Holy moly.]

mega spell, or whatever it's called, in the next round, then you'll have to contend with the knowledge of it being revealed for the

It was way too close, insanely close. If

round? I barely made it past the last opponent. If the next one is going to be even worse, then will I even be able to survive

back till his head thuds into the wall and he's looking straight

[It's a risk, either way. I'm reasonably sure that we'll be able to protect you

significant amount of time to create a gravity bomb. Compressing the mana is mentally taxing and draining as hell. I was able to do it against Garralosh mainly because she was incoherent with rage. Perhaps one day I'll

prepare it before

Granin sat up.

to compress and prepare the spell?

hard to get away

[So it's fast.]


have to see it for yourself, Granin. Try not to be sitting anywhere near it when it goes

for a moment before

I'll leave you to train and prepare. There isn't

I done except train, collapse into sleep and


Feeding an adorable little monster is never a waste

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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