
Chapter 546

Titus walked the long corridors of his new billet with a training report held in one hand, his face cast in stone as usual. It was difficult though, since the corner of his mouth kept threatening to curl up as he read of his daughter's training exploits. The centurions in charge of her training had used some interesting terms, 'manic dedication', 'boundless tolerance for bloodshed' and 'disturbing disregard for pain' where a few of his favorites.

The trainers in the Iron Temple didn't hand out praise lightly, an ornery group of veterans from the deep strata, they prided themselves on producing the best results and the most conditioned Legionaries. Judging by the numbers Morrelia had achieved in her new Class and the growth of her Skills, she'd excelled even by their standards. Pride tinged with sadness welled up within him. He was filled with joy to see Morrelia achieving her potential, but it was bittersweet that her brother would never receive the same opportunities.

He shook his head to shake off the creeping melancholy. Romanus wasn't served by him wallowing in self-pity and Titus wasn't about to allow it of himself. He finished reading the report and dropped it into the satchel by his side as he reached a door set into the stone wall. He knocked firmly and opened it without waiting for a reply.

At his entrance, three figures inside the room stood to attention once they caught sight of him. He snapped a quick salute, fist to heart, before waving for them to be at ease.

"Greetings all, just checking in with Aurillia."

The room was a typical office space in the Legion, sparse and militant, a desk, a bookshelf and a few chairs. Aurillia stood behind the desk, laden with papers whilst two of the younger Legionaries from Liria assisted with the tedious minutiae of administration. Titus had been all too willing to offload the paperwork to his long suffering adjutant, he simply didn't have the time to look after his own Legionaries since the upper brass were intent on having him run all over the temple for meeting after meeting.

"Any chance you've arrived to assist with these requisition forms, commander?" Aurillia asked with an arched brow.

"Not in a million years," he replied flatly and the faces of the two assistants fell.

Donnelan and Mirryn had been stuck in this office for days now, wading through the demanding beaurocracy of the Abyssal Legion. They'd never imagined that the Legion they'd signed up for so long ago would have such strict requirements for paperwork. When the tribune had pointed out that running an independent army on a global scale required as disciplined an approach to administration as it did to soldier training, they could only nod their heads and agree.

"How's progress rehoming our Legionaries?" Titus asked.

Aurillia sighed.

commander in the fortress is demanding supplies and reinforcements. Our request to reform our

Titus frowned.

still disappointing. We were understrength to start with, and after the defense at the Bulwark

hard, apparently.

Titus' eyes glinted.

my connections

Aurillia blanched.

try it?

Titus nodded.

he said offhandedly, "you just have

Aurillia shot back, "I haven't met her in ten years

possibly be talking about? Someone able to scare tribune Aurillia? Even intimidate the commander? What sort

see her

course I have," Titus


or four," Titus

all? That's

think I can just march into her

Aurillia blinked.

"You can't?"

not! If I show up there

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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