
Chapter 547

Even now, a month after arriving in the great fortress of the Legion, Myrrin still couldn't quite believe her eyes whenever she saw it. Along with Donnelan, she trailed behind her commander as they made their way out of the remote barracks she and her fellow refugees from Liria had been billeted in. When the commander pushed open the door and strode through, the bright light flared in her eyes and she raised a hand to provide some relief. After several days straight of being locked indoors, the outside was a little too well lit for her to handle.

It was almost like stepping out when on the surface. Overhead was a truly vast space, far larger that even Rhylleh had contained. Numerous powerful crystals dotted the ceiling, flooding the enormous expanse with light. The entire space was arranged as an impregnable fortress, walls and towers in concentric rings radiated outward from the centre, every building was designed to be as defensible as possible, whilst also contributing to the overall layout. In the distance she could see the central tower rising like a mountain from the ground. Forged completely of red iron, the impossible tower dominated the entire expanse, dyeing the skyline a blood red, along with its eight siblings. The sister towers formed a great ring around the central pillar, rising to tremendous heights and standing guard over the fortress, iron spears of unbreakable will.

As impressive as the outer towers were, hundreds of metres tall and perfectly straight, they were like nothing any of the Lirian Legionaries had ever seen before, they faded into the background when compared to the central fort. It dominated the entire, vast expanse with ease. A brooding titan of rust red metal that climbed from the floor of the expanse to close to the ceiling, more than two kilometres high. Built in layers, the tower grew thinner as it rose, each new section protected by its own wall and defences. Even from this far away they could make out the enormous siege engines that dotted the walls. This vast structure was the very heart of the Abyssal Legion, wherein the highest ranking members made decisions that would be carried out by their legionaries across Pangera.

It was difficult not to imagine what secrets were contained within, what knowledge had been hidden away since the Legion had been founded. If there wasanywhere that forbidden technologies and methods would be held, it would be there, the Red Mountain.

"I've never been in the Mountain," Myrrin muttered to Donnelan, "have you?"

His eyes were fastened on the looming fortress.

"Of course not," he rasped back, "you think they just allow anyone in there?"

She noticed her friend was unusually pale, and sweating as they walked.

"You look as if you've seen a ghost. What's wrong with you? Is the Red Mountain that intimidating?"

certainly was to her. It's a freaking mountain made of metal! Who ever heard of

we're going to go

Myrrin’s eyes widened.

met her, she left Liria before I had the

he said, "the title. Consul. We're going

that to sink in for

steel of home!" She suddenly cried out

on the road and he turned to

can hear every word

Donnelan flushed red from embarrassment, but the commander just waved

as we go. We don't want you embarrassing

commander!" Myrrin snapped out a

dream of it, sir!" Donnelan mirrored her

Titus stared at them.

them, "you're making me nervous and I'm married to

and resumed walking as the two of them caught up

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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