
Chapter 548

Donnelan and Myrrin struggled to breathe. They huddled together in a vain attempt to ward off the suffocating waves of pressure that emanated from the legionaries around them. There didn't seem to be a single guard standing at their post, or official running messages, who didn't seem as though they were a high level powerhouse with the stats of a top level delver. The two young legionaries felt as small as mice clinging to a toothpick in an ocean storm as they trailed in their commander's wake, desperately struggling not to succumb. For his part, Titus didn't appear to notice their plight. After they were allowed entrance through the yawning gate of the Iron Mountain they hastily made their way inside to find the interior bedecked in breathtaking marble, the wide open halls lined with incredible, life-like statues of long passed legionaries. The commander’s steps only lengthened as he moved from place to place, giving his name at each checkpoint they crossed and gradually penetrating deeper into the heart of the fortress.

It took hours and by the end, Myrrin’s head was spinning. She couldn't say where they were, who'd they'd met, or even why they were there anymore. Every time they moved from one chamber into the next, the strength of the legionaries on guard seemed to leap to a new tier. The soldiers standing on guard next to her were resplendent in the most impressive Legion armour that she'd ever seen. Trimmed in gold, the living rock plates wreathed precious metals and alive with veins of fire mana that seeped heat into the air as it trickled through the stone. She wasn't even able to look the man in the eye, and when she snuck a glance at Donnelan next to her, she found he was sweating profusely and shaking in his seat.

For goodness sake, commander! Why did you have to bring us with you?!

Oblivious to her suffering, Titus was talking quietly with an armoured official outside a grand set of double doors. The doors themselves were elaborately carved and decorated, set into an archway that extended fifteen metres high. A full squad of ten legionaries stood guard in formation outside the door, their dominant auras unrestrained, flooding the room with their thirst for battle. After a few moments, the official stepped through the cavernous door, leaving Titus by himself. He gazed at the door in silence before he turned back to his two, cowering young legionaries. He clicked his tongue before walking over and clapping them on the shoulder.

"Come one now, young ones. You need to show a little more mettle than this. Don't embarrass our legion."

The two of them stopped trembling and looked up at him, eyes filled with a kindling resolve.

"Don't forget," he said, "it's going to be way worse on the other side of the door."

He gave both of them a squeeze on the shoulder with his sausage fingered hands before he turned to walk back to the door, never noticing the crumbling confidence he left behind.

"I don't want to be here anymore," Donnelan moaned under his breath. "I curse the day I ever got curious about the inside of the Iron Mountain."

"Y-you're g-going to meet the c-consul! A-aren't you excited?"

"You're stuttering. I'm sweating like I've spent a day doing drills in amour. This isn't looking good."

"I-if I pass out in f-front of the consul, will I b-be discharged?" Myrrin whispered, horrified.

"Of course not. The commander will just hate you forever."


When the official stepped back through the oversized doors, they both jumped in their seats and shut their mouths, staring straight ahead. Titus exchanged a few short words before he returned to them.

"We're up. Step quickly, we don't get much of her time."

So saying he brushed down the shoulders of their uniforms with his palms as if they were unruly children before grabbing each of them by the arms and straightening their posture.

"It's going to be tough in there, show me what you're made of."

He shot each of them a hard stare, his cold blue eyes piercing through the mountainous pressure that suffocated them and stiffened their spines.

Myrrin shouted unthinkingly and saluted him, Donnelan

and fellow waiting functionaries turned to stare at the young legionaries. The two of them froze in embarrassment, but Titus actually smiled. That rare sight was enough to focus the two

commander. They made a conscious effort to lighten the strength of their aura as they allowed them to walk through. Once they were gone, the guards resumed

eyes to take in this new room. The office of the consul was surprisingly small, given the door. The room was roughly ten metres wide, lined by columns decorated with mana infused gold, the stone itself seemed to glow with a soft metallic light. The ceiling was high, vaulted at the top with every inch carved with depictions of legion glory. There was the battle of Deep Field, the defeat of Galatrix, the siege at Crumbling Rock, each a legendary battle from the Rending. At the end of the room, a slight, dark haired woman sat behind a deep red, crystal desk. Every inch of the walls and floor was exposed, stone or metal, without any softening furnishings at all. She refused to

she radiated an air that let Titus know she was

shields to step through, wide eyed as they stepped into the sparse office and he immediately felt the pressure on him ease. He allowed


hastened to offer their

"Myrrin Smithson!"

"Donnelan Branger!"

stood to return their salute. Had the man gone soft? Bringing in these two to protect him from her

the consul, legionaries. Be

she judged. She watched as they strove to maintain their cool and decided that Titus had

a failure of the Abyssal

lack of title was a

maintain the

reinforcements, but the wave put pressure on us everywhere. If I'd had double the reserves we still may not have been able to relieve

destruction of their homeland had cut deeply. Even though they had fought as

from behind her desk and walked around it to face her husband and his "shields". She was dressed in regulation legion leathers, with solid boots on her feet and her well-toned arms free, as if she expected to swing a weapon at any moment. Her short, cropped hair seemed to bristle as she glared anew at Titus, her eyes very reminiscent of her

think that bringing these two is going to

place, appearing directly in front of the commander, her fist sank deep into

Morrelia?! Do you think I

instantly, no

Temple after she arrived, she hadn't changed her

drop by

was up

"You couldn't make her?"

"I chose not to."


brutal fist to the gut, this time sending the commander sliding back three metres, his boots screeching on the marble

as consul, raising the children was

at him before she

months and I'll be free

wrist as she looked at

you levelled up a few times?" she

"Three times," he admitted.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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