
Chapter 604

When the itching finally fades away, Crinis peels herself off the walls and regroups back onto my carapace to reveal something I didn't expect to see. Protectant, her cover dropped without me having to drag her out of the shadows for once, stands right in front of me, in the centre of the room. Exposed to my senses, she wears a nervous air, as if the simple fact of been able to be seen makes her uncomfortable.

"Didn't expect to see you, Protectant. What's up?"

Her antennae twitch in surprise.

"The rest of the nest? The surface nest? The surface? About two hundred million tons of rock and soil? I don't understand the question, Eldest."

Sometimes I forget the ants aren't up to speed with the lingo.

"I just mean to see what's up with you. I mean - forget it. Why are you out of cover? I assume you have something to say?"

"Where have you been?"

The question is more direct than I expected, but it's pretty much what I thought she'd say.

"Right here," I'm still not going to bow down to these babysitters.

"We couldn't see you."

"I know, that was the point of Operation Blackout."

can see her antennae go crazy with barely suppressed excitement. These damn security guards are as bad as the council. They love nothing

need to

see her force her intrigue away

privacy. You'll just have to deal with

for us

do some grinding deeper in the strata now. I want to make sure you and your team keep levelling and progressing your mutations. You can't protect

ten on you at all times," she

the idea of getting stronger for

in teams of five, or ten depending on the level of the opponents.

his little gorilla boxing shuffle, throwing mini-punches into the air. The ape is pumped up and ready to fight. In fact, even Invidia has

It's hard to move too quickly in the second strata, what with poisonous little barbs attached to almost everything we see. By now we've become far more comfortable traversing the tunnels and we need less breaks to heal Tiny after he stumbles into

there going to be another wave soon? Somehow I get the feeling it'll be harder to deal with this time, exposed to the second strata, and the third beneath it as we are now. If we can master the technique that Rylleh used to push the Dungeon veins out of their territory,

We need dat sweet,

In the third strata.

you know what we're going up against?"

resisted the urge

Aside from the fact we're in the third strata, I don't even know where we are. I don't think anyone does. The commander is keeping his cards

Even though the Runic Armour shielded them from the elements, the searing heat scalded their skin and the taste of ash filled their mouths. Morrelia had never been in the third strata before, and she wasn't particularly enjoying it now. That was understatement. She'd barely

which they waited, not a one of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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