
Chapter 615

Titus hated dressing up. But the Golgari High Blades were notorious sticklers for protocol and tradition, so his hands were tied. He'd be damned if he'd put on his full dress uniform though, absolutely no chance. The jumped up pile of rocks would have to be satisfied with him giving his armour a solid polish. So it was that in the final hours of the bridge relay being assembled, Titus took off his elaborate Legion Runic Armour, sat in front of the command tent and attended to the buckles, plates and stone whilst directing his Legion.

His hands worked the leather straps, polished the buckles and cleaned the stone almost automatically, not really having to look at what he was doing, his eyes instead roving over the camp. There wasn't a single Legionary with five years of experience who couldn't clean their armour in their sleep, and Titus had far more than that.

When the job was done, he put the suit back on, almost feeling a sense of relief when the final plate snapped into place, sealing him in.

"Feeling more comfortable commander?" Alberton asked from his seat nearby.

Titus shrugged his shoulders, feeling the heavy suit fall into place on his frame.

"It doesn't feel right being in the field without being armoured up," Titus said.

He performed a few rapid checks with hands, pulling on a plate here, shoving with his palms there, testing the joints and straps. The Loremaster frowned.

"Be careful of the mana …" he began.

"I know," Titus cut him off and continued his meticulous checks.

Alberton was silent for a moment before he continued quietly.

"I worry sometimes, old friend. Just be careful."

Titus didn't look up from his inspection and after a long moment Alberton sighed and rose from his seat, checking every strap and seal on the back of the suit.

"Flawless as always commander," he said, slapping him on the pauldron with one wrinkled hand.

"Are you going to suit up?"

The Loremaster snorted.

"What for? My Skills are in research and documents, not swords and sorcery."

Titus turned and looked his friend in the eye.

right on this mission and I don’t want to lose anyone. In fact, pass the order,

and tamp down his anger. It wasn't Alberton's fault. The mana was rising and the armour drank it in, pouring it into his infused body. He made a

most common of these. Once adapted to a certain level of mana, withdrawal became the next concern, wasting away just like a monster would. What the old Legionary worried about was something

opening of the stiff canvas tent to find Braxis fussing over a core

That thing cracks and it's six months pay

be a lot easier if

"Shut up and work!"

precious core into its housing. The moment it clicked into place, the entire array hummed to life,

it ready?" Titus rumbled from

to roll. Give it a second to charge and I'll engage the Bridge.

As he waited for the mage to finish his work, the younger Legionary watching attentively over his shoulder, Titus thought about the current campaign. The more he thought, the higher his temper flared until he forced it

Legion? The Legionem Abyssi were not to be lied to, something the Empire of Stone

nothing. Titus knew he

saying, Braxis turned his blank eyes onto his commander and Titus felt his mind reach out to his own. Relaxing his will, he allowed himself to be carried out of his own body. There was a feeling of being dragged, and a rush of distance, then

drew his blade, lay it across his palms

greet you,

the gesture with a Legionary salute, crashing his right fist

its greetings, High Blade," Titus

of decorum addressed, the two men settled on their heels and weighed each other. Titus was familiar with the Golgari,

tinge of contempt from his opposite's expression, the High Blade Balta

Legion run into difficulty already? Are the insects too difficult and you must request my

answer immediately, he just stared, hard, at the Golgari. To his credit, Balta appeared unruffled, his

Abyssi does not appreciate when information is

got a

is a bold claim you make, commander. By your honour, I trust you have proof,"

snake curdled Titus' gut, but he kept his

I will petition the Consul for a punitive expedition to be dispatched immediately," Titus spoke

"You would dare?!"

be my first

truly exist here in this mind space. After

believe it was the Empire that provided

clarifying his accusation. If he spoke aloud his suspicions of the High Blade, Balta would be honour bound to defend

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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