
Chapter 616

When the bellow of pure rage shook the stone around the Legion camp, Aurillia was one of the few who didn't start wildly staring around themselves, trying to understand what had happened. She'd soldiered with the commander for a long time, and it wasn't the first time she heard him get angry. She was surprised, to be sure, that roar had shaken everyone, such was the sheer volume and depth of anger contained within it. She just wasn't confused, she knew what had happened.

"What was that?!"

Aurillia turned to see Titus' daughter, the young Morrelia, approach her. The berserker’s eyes were wide, as if she wasn't quite believing what she was hearing.

Aurillia raised a brow.

"You've never heard your father get angry before?"

She shook her head.

"No, never."

The tribune was initially surprised at this, but then, considering her parents, it was most likely the mother who'd displayed the most temper. Only in the field did Titus experience these sorts of eruptions. The man himself then appeared, storming out of the communications tent, the rage rolling off him in waves. So powerful was his aura that even experienced Legionaries were forced to draw back.

Morrelia watched, wide eyed, as her usually unflappable father stormed across the camp, his face a mask of black rage. When he reached the stone wall of the tunnel, he pulled back one fist and slammed it into the rock so quickly she couldn't see his hand move.


The stone exploded, sending chips flying throughout the camp and leaving the enraged commander with his arm buried up to the shoulder. With inhuman strength, he yanked it out in one solid pull and shook it, clearly irritated by the dust now coating the armour which had only moments ago been pristine. Aurillia decided to seize the moment whilst Titus was distracted to approach.

Expression carefully neutral, she marched in front of the commander and offered a crisp salute.

"Commander Titus, tribune Aurillia reporting."

"Stop it," he grunted.

She maintained her parade ground perfect form, feet flat, shoulders down, the exact angle on the saluting arm.

don't know what you mean,

as possible in a misguided attempt to inject some calm.

"But effective."

"That's why it's irritating."

away, forcing it out of his clenched muscles and pounding heart, out of his racing blood and into his lungs. From his lungs, he imagined forcing the emotion into the air contained therein, which he then breathed out. It only took a moment, but he was noticeably more calm. The almost physical pressure he'd exerted had eased, if not completely, at least enough that

of anger stopped battering against her consciousness. Whatever had set him off this

communicating with our valued allies?" She enquired as Morrelia

twisted once more, but only for an instant before he was able to smooth it back to its normal state of

"I have."

paused for a moment, ensuring he had mastered himself

this endeavour, it would appear that the House communicating with

beside the tribune, a worried expression on her face. She

"Fathe -"

bad is

Colony of insects, apparently two others might be present, as they have somehow joined forces within

"Quite a coincidence."

enough. I'd have brought a second

Aurillia sounded

wasn't done. What sort of colossal moron had

the core of at least one Queen and turned the

was a moment of silence as

"WHAT?!" She bellowed.

what I said,"

winced at Aurillia's outburst, but mustered her courage and tried to inject herself into the

"Comman -,"

Formica Sapiens. Numerous tier three, some tier four specimens spotted, and that was weeks ago. We can expect far more fours and possibly some fives mixed in. On top of that, there are magic capable ants, as well as some

The tribune was aghast.

The potential damage

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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