
Chapter 654

The Colony had been clever with its strategy so far, if a little naive. The inexperience in fighting sapient enemies was likely the reason for their relatively direct approach. If they were allowed to grow, that would change. Yet another reason to excise this problem before it grew too severe. Still, Titus felt compelled to keep his eyes wide open as he approached the elderly woman who stood alone in the tunnel before him.

"I am Titus," he confirmed, "commander of the Legionem Abyssi. I have to say I did not expect to find a Lirian in this place. May I know your name?"

The old soldier stood straight and tall, not bothering to try and appear unthreatening. How could he? He was wearing a full set of heavy Abyssal armour with a demonic axe on his back. In truth, he was threatening. Not that Enid seemed to mind.

"My name is Enid Ruther, commander. You might have known my husband."

Titus frowned.

"Derrion? The mercenary?"

The mayor smiled, pleased to see her dearest husband was still remembered.

"That's right," she nodded, "he spoke highly of you."

"He was one of the good ones. The dark blade of Arranyss. I seldom have respect for mercs, but your husband was very capable and stuck to the rules. I was saddened to hear of his death."

He always saw the Dungeon as his place of work and had no interest in jostling

The commander grunted.

I would like to take the time to pay the proper respect to your husband, Ms Ruther, I am sure you are aware of what is happening in this place and that my time is limited. I can guess why you are here, but I'm prepared to listen to what you

"I don't know what happened in the Dungeon during the wave, commander, but I imagine it wasn't easy for you. I presume you were occupied when

line and prevented the lower monsters surging into Liria. We couldn't predict that Garralosh would


known that a beast like that would be able to survive on the surface. But I must inform you that the beast Garralosh you once fought, was defeated

Titus only shrugged.

I wasn't able to finish the vile creature when I had the chance, but I do not intend to spare these monsters because they rid

is no exaggeration to say that without the support of these monsters, there likely would be no survivors of Liria or the frontier kingdoms at all. We owe the ants our

defend these creatures against my Legionaries? There are many in my ranks to were born in Liria. Are you really willing to fight

on this Colony who has done nothing but help

Rylleh?" Titus demanded. "The city was overrun weeks ago, have they too been

people from that city amongst our ranks today," Enid returned, "it seems that many consider the arrival of the Colony a

frowned. It was beyond his expectations that this colony would act in such a way, but it wasn't totally unheard of. The abomination had clearly influenced the ants not to predate on the human population, but for how long would that last? If that creature born of another world were to perish, how long before the ants would revert to their true nature? For that matter, how long until the abomination

in the end. The hard lines of Titus'

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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