
Chapter 655

Gweheheheh. I have succeeded in dodging the meeting! Once my mutation was complete, I used all of my guile and cunning to slip away. Of course, I needed to find a place to wait out the time before the battle started where the council wouldn't disturb me, so I naturally made straight for the gates in order to while away the time with the ants and humans stationed there.

When I poked my head out of the tunnels and the great outer gate of the nest loomed before me, I was more than a little surprised to find the entire council gathered and waiting for me.

"Ah, the Eldest has arrived at last," Advant observed with a perfectly flat scent, "now we can start the meeting."

You smug little…

"How did you even know which gate I would go to?" I demanded. "I could've gone to the other side of the nest for all you knew!"

"The assault is expected to be concentrated on this side of the nest," the soldier responds without acknowledging my question, "how are our preparations looking at this point?"

Defeated, I had no choice but to sit in and listen to the council go over many of the details we had already expected. We were cut off from the other nests who had dug themselves in to the greatest possible extent in preparation. The Legion and golgari had loosely cooperated to form a wide net that locked us off from the Dungeon and had since established defensive positions at every exit. The Colony had effectively become boxed inside three separate cages. From our scouting we'd determined that the enemy had concentrated their forces here, at the main nest. Clearly they intend to deal as powerful a blow against the Colony as possible in the time they have. Makes sense, considering the rising threat of a wave. If they can cripple us enough, then they may not even have to lift a finger to destroy the rest of us as the other nests may be too weakened to survive the wave on their own.

storm. I've no doubt they would

didn't already know, or didn't suspect would happen. All that was left to do was hold the gates. If we could do that, we would survive, if not, not. When the discussion finally wraps up, someone pokes me back to my senses and I notice Propellant shaking Vibrant out of torpor. Then it's

it perfectly clear they could if they wanted to. The humans give off a determined and solid air, as if they are enduring a trial that they cannot contemplate failing. At least, that's the sort of thing Beyn has been shouting for the last hour. The man is a preaching machine and has put his Skills on full display here today. It's a while before the battle is expected to begin, and he’s out here

all. Instead, the thousands of members of the Colony stationed here spend their time making last second preparations, checking every tunnel, every trap,

great gates of the nest the carvers were sure to include these smaller doors but in a very ant way. The sally ports on our gates are all attached to the roof. So it is that Tiny, Crinis, Invidia and my very own honour guard exit through the hatch at the top of the gate

top of a wall in which the gate was placed, but the Colony didn't want a wall. Ants can crawl straight up the things, so why bother? Instead, the gate covers the entire tunnel, a barrier between the inside

boom of spells, the crunch of stone and the acrid sting of acid fill the air and echo off the stone walls before us. After a few more minutes I can feel the ebb and flow of the magical warfare that's taking place as the ants try to collapse boulders onto the heads of the Legion, throw fireballs, ice shards and everything else as the enemy deflects, disrupts

artillery ants are a sight to behold as they unleash litres and litres of sizzling acid with every blast, literally making it rain flesh dissolving liquid on the tightly packed ranks of our foes. As the legionaries advance towards us, they

enemy come into sight and I can only sigh at the appearance of the hulking brute in the lead. That dreadful axe is already gleaming with energy, ready to unleash death upon us at any moment. In fact, behind the armoured demon I can even see an old friend, Morrelia. Despite wearing her helmet, I can tell from the colour and shape of the armour that it's her inside there. I'd dearly love to ask her a question or

Who knows?

time to get this show on the

look thirsty?" I ask nobody in

A moment of silence.

comes a hesitant scent from behind

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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