
Chapter 685

By Gandalf I'm tired.


Stop hitting me, dammit!


Just like every time I activate the Skill, a team of Legionaries with heavy shields leap forward, activating a host of abilities and anchoring against each other.


Despite my mandibles biting deep into the metal slabs these muscle heads call shields, I once again am not able to penetrate through and deal real damage. Stupid tin cans! Eat acid then! I drop my thorax low and raise my abdomen so I can blast the a-team in front of me with a face full of burn juice before resetting my position in the formation. The ants on my left and right depend on me to protect their flanks and if I extend too far or drop back a bit I expose them to unnecessary danger, something that's happened a fair bit over the course of the battle.

"Need a heal?" I scent the pheromones of my designated healer friend behind me.

"You've recharged already?" I'm a bit shocked.

"Nope. But I've found another healer who can top you off if needed."

out to be,

fine," I lie, "get that healing

on. A few more exchanges and I see Tiny off to my right getting battered in the chest. A salvo of fireballs and charged

Make sure Tiny gets out of there

see with gravity bolts. It's been a miracle that Tiny made it this long, he's not exactly built for endurance. Without the armour protecting him, I'd have ordered him out of the fight ages ago. If I actually survive long enough, I'm going to find Smithant and personally thank that little genius.


extra shielding now… The Legion forces are quick to capitalise on my poor position and close around my flanks faster than Vibrant eating breakfast. My senses sharpen to their finest point as my antennae, reflexes and muscles move in perfect synchronisation, deflecting and dodging every blow I can and diverting others to clash against my carapace. Precious diamond carapace, saving my bacon once

way through tens of thousands of monstrous ants is going to take it out of you, no matter who you are. Although the gravity domain and bolts that I'm firing out might not

Chomp! Chomp! CHOMP!

around desperately and I'm pleased to see that my distraction has done its job. A chance to put down the indescribably attractive ant that I am has lured the Legion away from the area Tiny fell and the Colony has rushed extra numbers to shore up the

I call back to them. [Once Tiny is safe,


Crinis after this. Perhaps death

the surge offense of the Eldest falter as they are quickly surrounded. The loss of the great ape guardian has been keenly felt in the lines, but there is nothing for it, the Colony

ant in reserve forward. "Follow the Eldest and

the roar as the ants, only recently healed from their injuries plunge back

herself runs forward to join the conflict. What does it matter if she were to fall here? After this, there are no more plans or strategies that she needs to look over. Either they stand here, or perish. Sensing the frantic energy of these final moments, the human allies join with

through!" Victor roared as she lunged forward, her mandibles chomping as she hurled her body into the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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