
Chapter 686

Titus was relieved to find Morrelia had been returned as promised not an hour after the Legion had withdrawn from the battle. The instant the surge of mana had arrived, Titus had stood down in his fight with the Keeper and the bruan'chii had stood aside. The purpose of the tree-people had been to stymie the Legion and their mission had been accomplished. The Keeper had been gracious, but the leaves had not, rustling with obvious happiness at seeing her enemies fail in their task. Titus didn't care. Including the auxiliaries, hundreds of good Legionaries had been lost in this endeavour and even the safe return of his only child couldn't completely snuff the morose feeling in his chest.

Legionaries fight monsters and died doing it all the time, he knew that it was just a reality of the world, but he was never able to completely shut away the pain of his soldiers dying under his command. His wife would just say he lacked maturity, but then she was always more suited to command than he was. She was in charge of the whole bloody Legion at this point after all.

"Morrelia," he said, embracing his daughter when she reached him, "I'm glad to see you are safe."

She'd been escorted back by a group of humans led by Enid Ruther to the end of the tunnel that led toward the nest. Titus had recalled all his troops to this point and was still waiting for some of the further out groups to come back. He pushed his daughter back so he could look into her face and saw the mixed emotions there. Happiness, shame, guilt. No doubt she blamed herself for losing control of her berserker skills in the midst of battle and getting captured. She had so much promise, if she learned from her mistakes she would be a commander before too long.

He reached up and placed a hand on her head.

mother will be so pleased to see you again. If you'd died just before she finished her commission, I fear

made Morrelia laugh and the knot inside her eased slightly with the release of tension. She had betrayed the Legion, but she believed it had been for the right reasons. With any luck they would never return and the Colony would continue to

hope you and your people are able to retreat safely before things get too crazy down here," Enid

far more grace than he could expect to receive from opponents

your words," Titus nodded, "I do not know where the Legion will send us next, With this new wave coming so close on the heels of the last one, there will be problems all over Pangera. We

snapped, "if only you'd devoted yourselves to doing that instead of coming here and trying to kill people that didn't need killing. I've lost a lot of


the same. We came here to protect people from what these monsters will become. I hope you realise the

would be left behind. After two more hours, every head had been accounted for and the Legion began their march. They were exhausted and

trying to re-establish their defences before the wave hit in force. It was amazing the damage that good

need to contact the families of those who had fallen. An unenviable job, but a necessary one. She could remember many times her husband would take on this duty, informing the loved ones of those

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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