
Chapter 703

  • It doesn't take long to make our way back to the chamber in which I force fed myself in order to afford those mutations. Despite the pain and discomfort, I'm super excited since each step is taking me closer to my next form. A new and more powerful me is on the horizon! Sadly, almost all of that enthusiasm drains out of me when I see what is waiting for me outside the chamber.

Filled with ire, I stalk up towards the morons and start yelling at them.

"Dammit, Beyn! What the heck are you doing here?!"

The priest and his acolytes are gathered at the entrance to the chamber, all dressed in their robes with the antennae sewn to the top with their hands in the air as if summoning the great sky god. At my yell, they all flinch and turn towards me, bowing deeply once they see me coming. It's Beyn who first replies, speaking to me with his human voice, which I obviously can't understand.

"I have no idea what you're saying, man. Give me a minute."

The priest looks frustrated by his inability to communicate via pheromones despite being able to understand them. How would he even 'speak' via scent? What sort of difference can a Class make in a human body? I whip together some mind mana and reach out to the one armed human.

[Well?] I demand.


[Loud! Tone it down you oaf!]

[Ah! I apologise great one… My brothers and sisters have heard word of your ascension to a higher state of being through the Colony. We have no desire to interfere in the process, but merely wish to be present for this holy and sacred occasion.]

Seriously?! He's so sincere too! All of them are! They're staring at me with such light and hope in their eyes!

[Alright, fine! Just stand outside the chamber and try not to be a nuisance. I can't believe you were even allowed this close to the brood.]

The look of joy that breaks over the priest's face is so bright it almost burns away all ten thousand of my retinas. He immediately turns to the others and within seconds, all of them are shouting with joy and openly weeping.

"Quiet, would you!? The brood chambers are right next to this place! If you disturb the young, don't think the brood tenders will go lightly on you."

antmancers regain control of themselves and return to a much quieter form of dumb behaviour. How did any of these guys survive the siege? They're clearly damaged. They look so damn happy though, I just don't have the heart to chase

move aside please. I need to

I walk past them, a few reach out to try and lay hands on my carapace, which I wouldn't really mind, but before they can touch me their hands are slapped away by small tentacles that emerge from the dark shadows on my back. Crinis says no, apparently. Inside the chamber, I settle into a comfortable position with

Invidia. You guys chow down on the left over Biomass whilst I get settled. Once

[Yes, Master!]

[It ssssshall, be ssssso.]

Tiny is already eating…

you ready?]

I suppose. Why are you guys here anyway? Aren't we basically

Corun steps forward.

you get in the evolution menu. We, as in, the cult,

about some of this stuff, but I'm not sure I'm comfortable with you taking it back to your

you want. There's a good chance we can learn more about your species and the different ways the

then, here we

on then Gandalf, let's get this show

you like to use the evolution

Hit me!

on reaching the maximum level for your current species. Evolution will allow you to change your form and increase your stats

make securing XP and Biomass more difficult as fewer rewards are given for preying on creatures less evolved than

as follows: (All options

  • Grand Major

  • Senior Ant Mage

  • Worker Commander

  • Ant Archmage (special)

  • Colony Guardian (special)

  • Hive General (special)

  • Elemental Ant (rare)

  • Diamond Soldier (rare)

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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