
Chapter 704

In the interests of expanding the Colony's knowledge of future evolution options, I take the time to explore the normal evolutions I've been offered and let the eager triad document the stat gains, organ benefits and descriptions offered by the System. In truth, the stat gain for even these 'ordinary' evolutions was much higher than I expected and my hopes climbed sky-high for what the more delectable 'rare' choices would have to offer. With the first three options out of the way, I take the time to go through each of the special evolutions carefully. You never know if there might be a diamond in the rough!

[Special Evolution: Ant Archmage. +60 bonus to Cunning, +60 Bonus to Willpower. This evolution provides a significant boost to the power of the mind, along with a Manaweave Core Crystal. This new organ grows around the core and focuses the user's mind on the mana contained within, making it easier to handle and use. A new eye is also granted, the 'mana eye', which allows the Ant Archmage to project mental sensing abilities through the eye to increase their effectiveness.]

This is a special evolution?! Look at these stats! And the bonus organs are nuts? Manaweave Core Crystal? Excuse me?! This seems like a super useful organ for a monster like me who focuses more on traditional spellcasting using mana from the core than most monsters who rely on mana glands.

Granin looks impressed with the offering.

[That's better than I expected, to be honest. If you wanted to focus on a pure spellcasting build, this wouldn't be a bad option at all. Don't underestimate the Mana Eye either. It might not be as expensive as the crystal in terms of evolution energy, but it's no slouch. You can think of it as directly bumping your mana sense up a rank for free, and that's before you mutate it.]

[That's… super good. Isn't it?]

[Heck yes it is,] Corun seems excited, [if you took this option you'd almost be as good at spell shaping as Invidia!]

Being as strong as one of my pets, one that I already defeated, doesn't make me all that happy. Still, the gulf between Invidia’s and my mastery of magic is vast. Even getting close to his level will be hard. It's tricky to remember sometimes, since he's just a little floating eyeball with tiny wings and arms, but Invidia's mass is like, ninety percent brain.

[The mage ants will want to know about this one for sure,] I muse, [make sure you guys let them know when you complete your report.]

[Of course,] Granin nods.

Onto the next.

[Special Evolution: Colony Guardian. +80 bonus to Might. +80 bonus to Toughness. Focused on physical prowess, the Colony Guardian receives a large bonus to physical stats, furthermore, additional purchase of physical stats are cheaper during this evolution. The carapace of the Colony Guardian will be reforged into Demonic Chitin (warning, this will reset all mutations).]

Granin whistles, [the

I'm a bit confused.

seem as good as the

offered quite a bit,] Torrina frowns, thinking. [A reset consumes quite a bit of energy, so getting one for free is always an excellent thing. As to the physical stat cost reduction, this is also an excellent saving. If you poured all

you put it like that… I suppose it's better

stats in this evolution, but you


might sound strong, but it surely isn't as shiny as living diamond. Just wait for me,

kind fight on the battlefield. The Hive Storm Aura gland will provide a scaling bonus to physical prowess,

This one sounds strong

few times in the past when hive insects have spawned, it never ends well. Seeing it at tier six kind of surprises

insulting when he phrases it like that, but I can't disagree with him. With tens of thousands of members, the Colony will struggle to

the heck does the cortex do?] I ask him, I want to see if he knows before I check with the

mind map of every member of your species within range. You know where they are and how they're doing, generally speaking. I suppose the idea

[Fair enough.]

double check quickly and the golgari is spot on.

hands together, [time for the main course! Let's take a look

I fire up the menu

the basic elements. In pursuit of Elemental perfection, some potential is lost. A mythic Omni-Elemental Mana Flux is formed around the core. The Antennae will be remade

stuff! Holy stat gain! I relay the information to Granin and he once

upper tiers. Spectrum Crystal is not third strata, maybe not even fourth… It's clear that


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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