As the days of the wave drag on, my pets and I maintain the same routine. We fight, eat, rest and then repeat. It's pretty obvious after all this time why pet obsessed Dungeon dwellers like the Sophos are so rare, getting a monster to tier six is a massive pain the butt. Let alone two. Obviously what I'm doing isn't all that similar to what the Formo and his kind do, they raise their monsters over a period of decades, caring from them and pouring all of their time, energy and designing every aspect of their build around raising and training potent monsters. I'm just power levelling my pets and hoping it all works out for the best.
Still, imagine the pain and anguish of a normal Dungeon delver when the tier six monster they had poured endless wealth and resources into dies in the Dungeon. Years of effort, a literal fortune in cores, all gone. If you were able to get the core back, then all wasn't lost as you could reconstitute it again, but the soul of your pet would be forever lost. If you couldn't get the core back… which was likely considering the trainer is always weaker than the pets they keep as a rule, you just had to eat the loss and start again.
I can see why not many are tempted by it.
For me though, it's all good! To be honest, despite the exhausting and relentless nature of the wave, I've been quite enjoying my time with Tiny, Crinis and Invidia in the tunnels. It's almost like the old days, with just me and my pets, fighting against the odds, although the Colony is literally only a few dozen metres behind us. As we draw ever closer to my two magnificent pets approaching the goal line, I'm reminded of Enid and her request that I head to the surface to poke my nose around Renewal.
If I'm going to do it, it's probably going to have to be now. As the wave goes on, the mana level continues to rise and stronger monsters pour out of the depths. It's probably gotten high enough that it can sustain me right now, for a while at least, and if I wait any longer then the Colony is going to have a hard time hanging on if something really nasty crawls out of the third strata… or even lower.
[Alright team!] I announce to my exhausted pets, [We are heading on up for a break. Let's go!]
So saying, I march right up to the general, announce my plans for a quick break, and get on out of there. As expected, Burke races up to me before I've gotten more than twenty minutes into my journey.
she calls as
announce cheerfully,
sure this is a good time to go up to
literally the only time I can go to the surface. Are you trying to deny me the sun? The
large scout shakes her head with irritation, "it's hard work holding off the wave and without the support of you and your guardians it'll
I could, I'd roll my
had to use more than the second
you've been there,
so nervous about it, get in there yourselves. Put Leeroy on the job, I haven't seen
looks to one
if we sent Leeroy charging out that she'd
on her! Yeesh! I absolutely refuse to believe it's going to be that big a deal. Put Leeroy out there and tell her if she runs off into the Dungeon that
tickling duty for you, Leeroy! Don't think I won't
in peace to go report back to the rest of the council about my day trip, no doubt they'd worked themselves into a tizzy the moment they heard about me leaving the front. Chumps. Do I need to train them again and
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!