
Chapter 749

That damned priest has continued to infect these people with his nonsense, I see, judging by the reaction from the townsfolk. Although, there is a faint chance that they think I'm the Queen, given that they've never seen an ant of my size before. As nice as it is to think that these people might be paying homage to Mother, the thought is only faint, deep down I know exactly what these people are thinking. Should I strike a pose? No, too tasteless.

I walk down the side of the anthill, taking notice of the severe drain on my mana as I do so. Despite my best efforts, and the well above average mana in the air, I just can't bring in anywhere near enough energy to satisfy the demands of my core. The mana bleeds out of me with every step that I take and it rapidly becomes clear than I won't be able to stay above ground for long. Having evolved to tier six, the surface really is barred to me from this point on.

Which raises an interesting point. According to what I've learned of the history of this place, the ancients are the biggest and baddest monsters Pangera has ever seen, what tier they are, goodness knows, but somehow they were out and about on the surface during what was effectively the very first 'wave'. Exactly how much mana was there flooding out of the Dungeon to produce the conditions for tier ten or above monsters (I imagine) to survive up here?! The mere thought of it is enough to make me shudder.

Regardless, I do my best to power my core as I continue toward the town of Renewal.

Word of my appearance atop the hill must have spread quickly, since I find Enid leading a delegation towards me as I approach the first buildings. I don't recognise most of them, though there are a few faces that tickle my memory. That guard guy is here, along with a scattering of others I recognise from the siege. Of course Beyn is here. Goodness gracious this guy has nothing better to do than hound me, does he? Casting my eyes about, I can see a gaggle of antmancers sprinting toward us at full speed, their antennae flopping wildly in the breeze. I'll never be free of these idiots.

Sighing internally, I weave together a quick mindbridge and extend it toward Enid.

[Here, as requested,] I announce.

She smiles broadly at my pronouncement.

[I'm glad you were able to make it,] she says, [I appreciate you coming even though I'm sure it isn't comfortable for you.]

She's got that right.

from a good feeling, if I do say so myself. As much as I'm looking forward to the tour, we're going to have to

waste any

sweeping gesture she indicates the direction we are to travel and

when I first met you, I was what, tier three?

She laughs.

at least as I understand these things. I suppose the repeated waves and all the trials you've been through have

a minibus, smaller than an actual bus, my weight must be pushing into multiple tons. It's certainly a bit of a change from a human body! Even if my head is only slightly above Enid's

of the many new residents and their circumstances and the ever expanding plans for new development. It's clear she's immensely proud of the

warn you, Enid,] I say, [you can't just

people and they've worked day and night. Just because we need sleep

need to rest. You've

saw. Ironically, I couldn't sleep a

find out about it, you

She freezes.

don't come for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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