
Chapter 768

Travelling the lands of the Colony was not something I was too eager to undertake. My decision to pursue this venture was only made after repeated, and passionate, requests from you, my dear readers. I was as intrigued as all of you, I'm sure, when word of this strange new place reached my ears in Derinon. A land of people cooperating with monsters from the Dungeon? It was scandalous! The old biddies and I were all too happy to titter over tea and imagine what such a place would be like. For my part, I was content to leave it to the imagination and dedicate myself to my cross-stitching, but you wouldn't have it, would you, reader?

My publisher all but broke down my door one morning, a barrel full of letters under one arm and his face as red as a baboon's rear. For a man with such pitiful physical stats, it was rather an impressive sight. After I sat the man down and got a stiff drink into him, he explained that demands for a travelogue detailing this wondrous new place had been pouring in. The people had spoken, he declared to me, and urged that I make preparations for the journey as soon as possible.

What am I if not your humble servant, dear reader? So it was that not a week later I had packed my bags and begun the long trek to the wild frontier! It was enough to make my bonnet spin, let me tell you. Naturally, my assistant and companion Riligent has joined me, along with several suitably strapping lads and lasses who have assured us they are up to the task of ensuring our safety.

So fear not, dear reader! As safely as possible, I, your beloved Tolly, will step foot where others fear to tread and bring you the vivid stories of faraway lands that you so crave! Await my next missive with bated breath, for we are only a few days away from the borders. What will we see? Find out next time!

  • Excerpt from Chapter One of 'Traveling Tolly in the lands of the Colony' published in the Monthly 'Pangera Gazette'

Freshly mutated and ready to go, my team of all-powerful, world-beating tier six monsters makes its way out of the evolution chamber in the heart of the nest and out toward the borders. We've got new wheels, time to take 'em for a spin. We don't get far before Tiny is already swinging his fists, a broad grin on his face. It's a shame we have to leave his armour behind since it no longer fits him. Even his noggin grew larger to the point his helmet wouldn't go on again.

Another visit to Smithant will be required, I think. I probably need to get measured up as well, since I kind of promised her that I would look at getting some armour organised once I'd evolved. At least I can say to this point that I've genuinely been busy helping defend the Colony during the wave. Hopefully that mad ant won't give me too much grief over it…

of insane blacksmiths, by the time we reach the front there's a tangible excitement in the air as both Tiny and Crinis

already?" the general on duty at this checkpoint

has evolved and we are ready to unleash

with her antennae even as she keeps her eyes laser focused on the never ending warfare around the chokepoint ahead

certainly helps. I've increased the active garrison size by twenty percent and added a new shift to the rotation.

"We've held on this far, haven't we? We're likely more than half way through

seem as uplifted as I would

"it's a general's job to stay pessimistic. I'll keep expecting the worst and hope it pans

say. "If it's all the same to you, mind if we poke through

says, "just make sure you coordinate

and arrange with the ants in the thick of the action to allow us through the next time they pull back,

my two newly minted pets, [who's going to go in

me like I'm

[Just remember you don't have any armour on. Your bones might have hardened up, but the rest

and the ants pull back from the chokepoint, giving

barriers and healing spells, but Tiny is oblivious to all of it. As the claws and fangs of the innumerable monsters reach for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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